So, now we are to the area of selling where we all know best.  Where we can rattle off our features and benefits, our what's.  What sets us apart from the competition and structure the discussion on how it helps the customer.  We all know how to structure this conversation pretty well.  Some would say they have the silver tongue on how to make people love their product.

So with that said this post will not cover how to sell your features and benefits because you already know this.  For a strategy on that look up tie back questions from action selling a great book on sales.  Where you tie back each of your benefits to questions to ask.  It's a great tactic.

What I want to focus on is the Why.  Simon Sinek has a great video of the difference in great companies, leaders, Ramsey Solutions and organizations on how working from the inward out starting with Why to How, and then to what (your features and benefits).  I think there is more to that though.

The key is to make your features and benefits need to flow from the why and tie right back to how they really improve your customer's life.  Why does your organization exist, how do your features and benefits reflect that "Why" from your organization?  This is a tough objective, but if you want people lining up for six hours for your product.  So, I challenge you to study Apple, Google, and all those other companies that seem to have most of the market share compared to others in the same arena.

This is the fun part, but it takes some work to really understand and talking with the leaders of the organization.

Feel free to reach out for help with this process.  I would be glad to help.


Kevin Sidebottom

Sales And Leadership Enterprises