Happy Day after Christmas everyone! I hope all of you have enjoyed Christmas. I have been quarantined to my house for the past couple of weeks due to a sinus infection that will not go away. As you can see my New Years Resolution will be to strengthen my immunity!
Hopefully you have enjoyed well deserved vacations during the Christmas and New Years holidays and are ready to get back to busting it.
If you are anything like me after a few days of relaxing I get bored and need to build / do something. Typically for me that ends up being projects around the house. I like seeing things being complete. Like painting smoker white walls in the house to a better color. No we won’t smoke, it is just the pale yellow that the house we own has on the walls. Reminds me of what I grew up in when my dad would be smoking in the house and it just looked gross.
So enough of making those smokers out there feel bad…
Refreshing from the last two blogs that were focused on gathering and verifying needs from the potential customer. I say potential customer, but that can be your current customer that you are trying to sell something new to, marketing packages, your old truck etc I digressed again sorry!
After having done your diligence of asking great questions to pull out the needs that they have, and how to better position your company. It’s time to sell your company’s advantages over the competition. Hopefully you have studied your competitive market out there to know their strengths and weakness. It is not good when you say we have this great strategy that we use and the potential customer says so does your competitor. That is when the game show music plays in your head when you get a “Whammy on that TV Show called Press Your Luck”. Believing that you have already studied your competition well, we will move forward.
During the phase where you ask the questions to uncover the needs and have the potential customer agreeing that they are valid needs, it is time to highlight some of those areas where your company can help. You can also mix in a little history on the company as well as some of the success they have had. I also like to take one page out of Warren Buffet’s addresses to state an area where the company falls short and then come back with a fact of what the company does better than anyone. People find your more trust worthy when you do that. Think about what one stock of Berkshire Hathaway Inc goes for. If it works for them don’t you think it will work for you?
Highlight your advantages and how your company can help the customer make their life easier. If you do that well enough you are ready to get into the next selling phase of selling your product. It seems like it takes a while to do this selling stuff doesn’t it. It does if you want long lasting customers.
Kevin Sidebottom
Sales and Leadership Enterprises