Happy Day before the Eve Day Everyone!
Hope you are getting something out of these blogs. It helps me think though the process more in detail, so I am also gaining out of this process.
As we head into the new year I am looking forward to wrapping up the sales process and looking forward to other topics that come to mind. I would love feedback on topics you might like to hear about in the up coming year. Feel free to reach out at info@kevinsidebottom.com
As for now, lets Sell Our Product,
Taking the same strategy of selling your company you will use them for the product you are selling as well. During this phase I tend to use a term “tie back questions”, shared in the book Action Selling. That was a great book that helped me start understanding the process of sales. I’ve since had to add upon the process to get better.
Using the tie back questions you get to review the uncovered needs with the potential customer and highlight the ones that really were the pain points of what the customer currently dealt with. For example, earlier when I talked about the lawnmowers where I could step off the back so I didn’t end up upside down under water with alligators celebrating that dinner was served. I used the benefit of safety that was tied to the question I used previously to uncover a pain point for the customer. This was a no brainer and anyone that cuts lawns in Florida understands this concept. This made it easy to sell the aspect of not getting sued by the employee’s family. Just about every larger lawn maintenance crew has been affected by that last issue.
So, highlighting the top three with a fourth benefit item in your back pocket that makes your product really shine is about as much as any customer can focus on. I call it, “The Rule of Three”. Call it what you want, I just have learned that people can only focus on a few things when they are interested and paying attention. After that they start to lose focus and then you also lose the effectiveness. Make sure you have their undivided attention when you are in this phase. I guess maybe I could have said that earlier, but hey you’ll get it for the next sales call right 😊
After the potential customer is very interested and nodding along it is time to move to the next step which is finally “Ask For The Order. Stay tuned for next week as there are some things that can pop up and instead of coming to a halt you can save the presentation and score the sale!
Kevin Sidebottom
Sales and Leadership Enterprises