Good Morning Everyone

I apologize for being a little late as I usually try to have the blog up by 7 a.m.  I slept in after driving to my sister’s house this weekend so that we could spent the weekend on the lake with them.  We are in Amish country Ohio on a small lake.  Big enough that it allows for water skiing though so I will have the opportunity to decompress this weekend!

On our drive over with the kids my wife had picked up a book called Grit by Angela Duckworth.  I am all about growth books so we loaded it in.  After a few minutes she was putting on her headphones for music and the kids were saying this is boring.  To that end they were released to use their tablets.  I pressed on listening to the book.

It is a pretty good book basically figuring out why people can preserver and why some can do not.  It also discusses how just because someone has talent does not mean they always stick out and win.  Most people that have been successful are not just talent, but people that have a grittiness and keep going after it through set-backs.  They get back in the fight and practice every time they get knocked down. 

The book also has a pdf or you can log on to the website to see how gritty you are.  It is a good book and I am enjoying it.  I am hoping that I will hear what I have not heard as it finishes.  So far in the book it talks about people that are just determined and that they are just motivated by goals.  I feel that it should align with Simon Sinek’s golden circle.  Simon talks about the super successful companies start with “why.” 

I believe that perseverance and grit will be affected by your Why.  If you have a small why you are doing something when pushed by an obstacle you may give up.  Strong Why’s not just goals and determination will keep you coming back for more of the crap sandwiches that you will have to eat to get better and better.  Sit back and think about the times that you have made it through a tough time and what was driving you.  Was it just a strong goal, or were you empowered by a “why” that was your compass?

I hear all the time people on Dave Ramsey’s radio show knocking out 100’s of thousands of dollars making less than a 100 thousand dollars a year all the time.  They are empowered and driven from a why to get out of debt once and for all.  Simply putting a goal to get out of debt on a wall is not going to be enough.  They get angry at the debt and work second and third jobs, drive junk cars, and get after it.  They have set backs and keep going after it.  They have a strong “why” keeping their feet moving. 

For this weekend I will be reflecting on my future endeavors as to what my guiding “why” is.  If my “why” is not strong enough and there is not a strong enough purpose then I will not be moving after the goal.  That is after I get out on the lake for some water skiing!

Have a great weekend everyone.


Kevin Sidebottom

Sales and Leadership Enterprises
