What do your goals look like for this year?

How many have you hit in 2019? 

Do you have goals that focus on all aspects of life such as finances, relationships, work goals, fitness, etc?

As we are head into the last part of the year, I bet if I asked most would say we have not hit all of their goals.   Each year people start with new year’s resolutions in hopes to having a better new year.  Most people fail to keep those resolutions past the first 60 days.  Some go a step further than a resolution and set goals, but those goals are abandoned quickly as well.

I was sitting in the audience a couple weeks ago for a message that revolved around setting financial goals.  There was a smaller part of the message that I think went unnoticed by most of the attendees about how to set solid goals.  It was so intriguing that I am putting it into practice for 2020.

Currently I have a list of goals in my workout area so I can look at them every day I am working out.  As you can see in the picture with this blog post I have hit a few and missed on others.  I have quite a few goals for different areas of my life.  Actually I have too many goals that are all independent of themselves for the most part.

This year I will take December to plan my goals again as I have done in the past couple of years, but with this simple new strategy.  Instead of thinking about goals I want to achieve for the next year individually, the focus will be on goals that help me get to the future self.  I will put the focus on where I want to be in five years from now and what goals will help me get there.  Having this frame of mind when creating goals will allow me to look forward into where I want to be in the future instead of just hitting a goal.  The goals will align and contribute to my future self. 

The future vision statement will be my compass pointing to true North.  I will have goals for spending time with the kids and my wife in their interests, but it will be because my goal in the next five years will focus on having a closer family.  When my goals are challenged, I can look at the future self and keep the vision of where I want to go which will fuel me to hit that goal.

Instead of the goals being independent, they will work together to achieve my vision of my future self.  Using this strategy will allow me to pull meaningful goals that have more substance to keep me going when challenged.  I will have goals to grow my business by a certain number of engagements, but that is because my future self will have a certain financial level associated with speaking engagements, trainings, and consulting.

Keeping a vision of our future selves will help us to focus on hitting those goals today so that the vision becomes a reality.  Yes, there are obstacles and roadblocks, but with our vision we can still chart out course to success.

Stay tuned and I will share my goals and how I have set it up with you this December.

Until then enjoy the fall weather!


Kevin Sidebottom

