Good morning everyone,

I am writing this blog this tonight while traveling because tomorrow I will be driving up to Ann Arbor, Michigan for the National Speakers Association meeting when I am usually writing by blog. 

By now you have been following the sales process for the past few weeks to build influence with your team.  You have build rapport with them, asked them questions about their needs for an organization, to feel like they are doing something great with their works, and making sure they are inline with what your group does for an organization.  You have sat down with them to discuss what it is that your group is doing and why you are doing it.  

You should now know who is in it to the end with you and who is just trying to collect a paycheck.  You are focused on helping them get where they need to go and who is going to be standing next to you through the tough times.  Now you need to make sure they are ready to commit to you long term and buy in. 

Some people will say they buy in, but may have hidden the fact that they are not aligned fully.  This is kind of like dealing with my kids where I have to be a detective.  I have to ask more questions to find the truth.  I’m not saying not to trust your team and those that have said they are buying in, but you should have ongoing conversations with them to really find out how involved they are.  Time will also tell you how bought in they are to you and your team. 

Keep the conversation going with them and make sure they their actions align with their words they tell you is what I am saying here.  Keep the conversation ongoing with them also.  Give them the opportunity to come in and follow up as well.  Communication and asking great questions will allow you to have powerful influence with your team and enable them to stick with you. 

Also don’t worry about some of the team if they eventually leave after a few years to take a promotion.  That is a reflection of you and how well you have grown them.  Enough people leave and do that and people will take notice of you and how well you are growing teams.  They will start coming to you for help and advice instead of you searching for team members.

Keep fighting the good fight to influence and lead and not just manage what you have.  Encourage growth with your team and get to know them well.  Build that trust and let them know you care. 

That is it, use the sales process to build influence!  Looking forward to getting back into sales discussions next week.  Until then have a great weekend!

Have a good weekend.


Kevin Sidebottom

Sales and Leadership Enterprises
