Good morning everyone, 

One question that I hear often is “how do you know what the customer is thinking?” 

Sales managers often ask their sales force where the customer’s head is at on decisions and when selling to consumers, sales people are trying to navigate how to sell what product to them.  The question always arises how do I know, what the customer is thinking…

There are five basic buying decisions that someone makes before they actually buy the product or service.  They are salesperson, organization, product, price, and time to buy.

The issue for you, the salesperson is if you get these decisions in the incorrect order you end up losing profit, time in the sales cycle, or worse the sale completely. 

People buy in the same process as they did along time ago.  They put a great deal of emphasis on price, but that is only because the sales person has not done the job of meeting the customer’s needs correctly.  Getting the buying decisions out of order not only hurts the sales professional, but the customer as well because usually they buy something similar that may not function the way they want because they are tired of spending time looking. 

I have had times where I was tired of looking for the right product and purchased something similar, and ended up with buyer’s remorse due to the fact that I did not answer all of my needs and just found something.  As a sales professional I would be doing my customer’s a disservice if I did not help them correctly and follow the buying decisions in the correct order.

Jumping into the buying decisions our of order is like trying to assembly a house starting with the walls or roof before laying the foundation. 

Marketing a product is great, but if you can’t sell the product and answer the customer’s needs at the right buying decision will not net you much business.  This is why I focus solely on following the sales process each time I engage a customer to make sure that I am hitting the buying decisions in the correct order.  Look up the programs I have set up to enable you to increase your sales success Here and outsell your competition. 

Have a great weekend!


Kevin Sidebottom
