Why is it so hard to stay fit while traveling for work?

Do you run, do cardio?  Only stay at locations that have full gyms?  Find places near gyms?  Do you plan your meals?  Do you just give up and hope for the best?

These are questions that I have heard in the past and have run through my head when I started traveling on the road for work.

I have spent a great deal of time on the road in my career and I can say that it is extremely hard to stay fit when traveling.  As I get older it is even harder to keep the weight off while traveling.  The need to focus on my diet and workouts has been a huge focus for me.   

I have tried all different options when it comes to staying fit in my time on the road.  I have tried doing cardio while traveling and doing weight training when I would get home from my trips. I have tried to map out hotels that were near gyms as well.  I would also try to stay near restaurants that I knew had healthier options.  What I can tell you is that it takes work.  You have to be committed to staying in shape if you travel, unless you like clothes shopping.  I hate going out to find new pants and dress shirts personally.  One of my motivations to work out.

I have carried dumbells, workout dvd’s, resistant bands, etc.  I also would travel to hotels with a small gyms.  I have also rearranged the furniture in my hotel rooms so that I had room for working which I will apologize to anyone that works at a hotel that I have stayed.  I would prep workouts and plan meals on my stops between customer meetings.  It was exhausting. 

What I have found are a few options to help you stay healthier while traveling and keep it easier.


Option 1

Beach Body on demand.

Beach body has produced great workout programs such as P90X, Insanity, 21 Day Fix, etc.  Most started on dvd’s which I would buy and carry with me.  Now they have online access for $110/year.  They have coaches that you can go through to get your subscription.  I am not one.  I don’t have time to sell that too.  You have access to a library of workouts, yoga, cardio, kickboxing, pilates, weight training, body weight exercises, etc.  There is just a wealth of programs that you can do from 25 minutes to 60 minutes in length.  No gym required membership required.


Option 2

Airport gyms / yoga studios

Airports and hotels located on airports have been advertising lately access to gyms and yoga studios during layovers.  If you have a long layover this is an option to get your workout in where you would normally be sitting in a chair waiting and waiting and waiting for the next flight delay.  Get your workout on during the layover.  DTW has a hotel in the Delta terminal that allows travelers to use during layovers.


Option 3

Bring your running shoes

Take a run or walk around the city that you are in to explore.  Too often we are focused on work, work, work and never get to enjoy exploring the location you are in.  Each location has tons to offer.   I used to run beaches when I was in the gulf coast of Florida.  I was able to get cardio in while seeing all the amazing beach houses.  I would walk around the downtowns and see where the restaurants were that I needed to visit.  I would also ask people for things to do and they were very helpful to find things that most tourists would miss.  Asking questions have always helped me find places that trip advisor never shows.


Option 4


There has been an explosion of healthier restaurants as well as regular places showing you the calories on the food.  Salads are not always the healthiest option either.  Yeah, I said it!  Check out some of the restaurants near your hotel prior to your visit if they are not ones you are familiar with.  Uber eats is an options if a healthier location is farther than you want to travel.  Just use the app.  This one is very important!  Pack some healthy snacks in your carry on.  TSA will even allow food to come through in your carry on.  Just not liquids.  Swing by the grocery store and pack some healthy snacks in case you are stuck somewhere and can’t get food for hours.  This will give you healthier options and not cost you a mortgage payment at the airports.


The last point is to always drink water to stay hydrated while traveling.  The more water you drink the better you will feel and it helps you not get as hungry when your stomach is full of water.    


I hope that helps any of you that travel a lot for work to stay fit and maybe some ideas on how to make the hotel staff smile when they clean your room from your furniture art.


Kevin Sidebottom

