Good morning everyone,

Back on November 9th when I talked about setting goals, I stated that I would spend December creating my goals for 2020.  An interesting thing happened during that time that I think may benefit you as well. 

I read a book called “Get a Grip” which is a business book for their entrepreneurial operating system.  In the book the leadership rights down the core values, the core focus statement “mission statement” and a great deal of other details.  It’s a great book if you have not gone through a process to create a mission statement for your organization / family yet.

While reading the book and understanding the concepts I thought about how this could work for our Family, my business, and my personal goals.  My wife and I took time between Christmas and New Years to discuss what we would want out family to look like and our core focus.  We decided that using this format to provide purpose and direction for our family would be worth the effort.  We drafted the following below Focus and Values:

Core Focus

To know our worth in God and be a bright light to those around us of hope, help, and encouragement

Core Values

·        Grow Relationship with God and Each Other

·        Financially Smart and Generous Giving

·        Fit and Healthy Choices

·        Helpful and Encouraging Each Other and Celebrate Each Other’s Wins

·        Fail Forward Fast for Constant Growth

·       Great Communication

From there each of us in our family can point our goals towards these Core Values and Focus we have as a family.  When we want to give up on a goal, we will have these values and focus to keep us moving forward to achieving those goals.

See goals independent of each other are usually not as strong and can’t sustain for long periods of time.  The Core Focus and the Core Values are your WHY we are doing what we are setting out to accomplish.  Having a strong WHY will give us that added boost to keep going when the obstacles of the year come flying at us.  Now we have a compass to use when I want to give up on a goal, or when distractions happen.

The other things that are nice from this process is that we have set the sheet up (pictured as the background for this blog post) to be reviewed every quarter.  Each Quarter we can sit down and review the goals to see where we are at achieving the annual goals and the goals we set out to accomplish that quarter.  We can also look at the issues that might come up this quarter, or from the last quarter that may try to limit us from success.

Last year I had 31 independent goals that I set out to achieve.  I achieved about half of them.  This year I have less goals and goals that are derived from the Core Focus and Core Values.  These goals will fit in the following areas:

Fitness, Family, Business, and Growth in myself. 

What are your Core Values and Focus for 2020?   What will you use to keep you motivated when the obstacles of life come hurling at you?

If you would like a free copy of the goals sheet we used post a comment, or email me and I will send a copy out to you.

Have a great weekend!


Kevin Sidebottom
