We are in the final stretch of 2020, so where do we go from here?

It’s time to sit down in some of our quiet time to think about 2021.  Before you get all bitter and throw whatever you are using to read this post out the window please take a breath.  Yes, 2020 and a pandemic were a lot to handle and most of our goals and aspirations for 2020 went out the window. 

This does not mean that we give up on our futures.  There are some areas that we can all grow in that are not deterred by a pandemic.  Maybe it’s learning a new skill like woodworking, cooking, or origami with all of the excess toilet paper we decided to hoard.  Well maybe not that last one.  We never know if that will be the currency of the future if further lock downs are actioned.

Okay enough joking aside.  There are areas we can grow and should be focused on that for 2021.  I will be taking the next two weeks to plan out 2021 to make it a better than this year.  The reason why, is if we are not growing, we are dying.  That is right we need to constantly be growing.  I choose growth and for that I need a plan for whatever I am shooting for.  Even if I do not hit the bullseye ever time. 

I will be sitting down to make a plan for 2021 by looking at where I want to be.  It’s like shooting a long-range shot, we need to plan before we pull the trigger to hit the target accurately.  To do this I start with the end in mind.  When I was a child, I used to do mazes all the time.  I loved them.  I learned early on that to find the path through the maze, it was easier actually start at the finish and work my way back to the start.  Try it if you don’t believe me.

picture maze.jpg

With goal setting I am going to plan my year with the end in mind and then back my way up to the start to figure out how I will get there. 

Example: I want to have more family time with the kids without electronics. 

That will look like playing board games with my family once a week in the winter months.

Go for bike rides once a week during the warmer months.

I will put my target out there and then back my way into it to figure out what I need to do to accomplish that goal.  Maybe it’s something else like making forts in the living room with the kids, or taking the kids in the summer out on a boat to teach them to water ski. 

The key is to think about your values, then figure out goals to achieve those values, followed by actionable goals each quarter or month to achieve our values.  The great part is that they don’t have to be dependent on stuff being open or not. 

I will have quite a few stretch goals for myself and my business to grow in 2021 as well.  I have decided that I will be bringing more videos to you in 2021 that will help you as it relates to sales, building trust, and leadership.  I am actively working on that plan now, but will solidify that during the next few weeks.

I will also use the EOS system for planning goals.  This is a fantastic system that anyone can use for work, or personal goals.  I have adapted it to work for me in both areas of my life.  We even did one for 2020 for our family.  Now we will need to adjust it as the first year did not go as we had planned.

The key is to still plan because if we don’t aim at anything, we’ll hit it every time.

We need to make plans even if we do not hit them all.  It’s okay not to hit all of our goals, but we need to try.

Check out the link to see my last video of 2020, enjoy!


Kevin Sidebottom

“Businesses wonder why the majority of their sales teams struggle at winning profitable business.  I teach your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate more sales with high margins!”

