Happy Quarantine everyone,

I know that most of us are getting restless and want to know when this pandemic will be over enough for us to get back to our normal routines.  I was on the United States Center for Disease Control (CDC.gov) and noticed the number of cases by day reducing greatly as we move through April (as shown in the picture above).  This could mean that we are getting over the hill finally in the US as well as other areas. 

I believe there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Maybe I am just an optimist, but I encourage you to check out the CDC website for yourself and get true facts instead of some of the news media who thrive on keeping us glued to our screens reading their negative headlines.  Keep in mind that this is how news organizations generate advertising dollars, by keeping people glued to their screens reading their articles.  People tend to stay longer and read more when it relates to negative headlines.

Please don’t get sucked into the hype and instead focus on the positives of this situation.  While we are in quarantine, what are some of those things that we had been putting off because we didn’t have time?  The fastest way to getting past fear is to get into motion.  Motion can be anything that propels us forward whether it be learning a new skill, reading personal help books, getting into shape, trying new recipes, or maybe it’s launching a new business? 

I have taken this time to create online learning options for customers.  I am in the process of editing some of the video, so that I can offer all of you other options for leadership and sales training.  This will allow more areas for helping others.  I thrive on helping others.  Stay tuned for more updates and when they will be available. 

The other thing that propels people forward is giving.  That’s right giving!  When things seem dark does not seem like a viable option, but when we take the focus off our fears and reach out to help others this amazing thing happens.  We feel joy!  There are tons of elderly people that are scared to catch this disease.  They would be so grateful for someone picking up groceries for them and maybe cleaning the groceries for them?  Giving does not always have to be monetary, it can be time and other resources.  What could you do today to help someone in need?

What if we used this time for growth, starting a new opportunity, and to reconnect with those that have become distant with?  Making moments for others during this time will not necessarily extinguish fear, but it will help us to reframe our focus and who knows, give a little hope to someone else. 

What is it that you have not had time in the past to do that might be a great opportunity?

Please comment below and let me know how you have capitalized during this time.


Kevin Sidebottom

“Businesses wonder why the majority of their sales teams struggle at winning profitable business.  I teach your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate more sales with high margins!”

