Ever have a team that did not have trust?  Ever work with others that would step on you just so they could shine brighter and show off their awesomeness?  Ever been sabotaged by another team member to make you look bad?

Unfortunately, sometimes have these situations which makes us question if we in fact actually on a team? 

There are many factors that go into trust in a team.  We have to trust that team members will be able to do their job well, we have to trust they will not sabotage us, we have to trust things will be communicated effectively. 

If we are a manager that does not have trust for our employees then we are going to micro manage them.  If we do not trust the employees, we spend much of our time checking and rechecking their work.  If we do that, how can we continue to grow ourselves, and still move the group forward?  It’s like rowing a boat with our hands instead of an oar.

If we do not trust our colleges enough then we are doing extra work as well to make sure we hit the outcome we desire.  That means more stress, longer hours, less efficiency, and drain on our attitudes.  Then comes the mixed emotions of stress and disengagement with work and family.  When teams are not in a high trust environment, they are not working efficiently.  People are not communicating well and issues are sometimes hidden.  The only time management sees an issue is when a major event occurs.

If we are in a large organization and the engineering team is not trusted by other teams, then the design will be delayed to launch.  If this is a publicly traded entity and launches are delayed guess what happens to the stock price valuation… 

We need to make sure we are forming a trusting environment because speed and cost are the two variables in business that are affected by trust.  When we are in a high trust environment speed goes up and cost goes down.  When that happens, guess what happens to profits…they go UP!

When we are in a high trust environment people will be allowed to move quicker without having to get tons of approvals and tons of double checking.  Everything flows faster and work is completed with less bureaucracy.  It’s like a river that is allowed to flow, it is clean, but when it is blocked up, everything becomes stagnant and scummy.

We need to make sure that we are working on ways to build trust throughout our organization so that we can work more efficiently.  If trust grows, the outcome will be increased profits. 

If you’d like to know ways to improve trust, check out this link that will take you to my training on building trust that will allow you to build trust around you and form great levels of trust with your teams.

Kevin Sidebottom

“Businesses wonder why the majority of their sales teams struggle at winning profitable business.  I teach your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate more sales with high margins!”

