Buying Your Product, The Customer's Third Buying Decision

So, now we are to the area of selling where we all know best.  Where we can rattle off our features and benefits, our what's.  What sets us apart from the competition and structure the discussion on how it helps the customer.  We all know how to structure this conversation pretty well.  Some would say they have the silver tongue on how to make people love their product.

So with that said this post will not cover how to sell your features and benefits because you already know this.  For a strategy on that look up tie back questions from action selling a great book on sales.  Where you tie back each of your benefits to questions to ask.  It's a great tactic.

What I want to focus on is the Why.  Simon Sinek has a great video of the difference in great companies, leaders, Ramsey Solutions and organizations on how working from the inward out starting with Why to How, and then to what (your features and benefits).  I think there is more to that though.

The key is to make your features and benefits need to flow from the why and tie right back to how they really improve your customer's life.  Why does your organization exist, how do your features and benefits reflect that "Why" from your organization?  This is a tough objective, but if you want people lining up for six hours for your product.  So, I challenge you to study Apple, Google, and all those other companies that seem to have most of the market share compared to others in the same arena.

This is the fun part, but it takes some work to really understand and talking with the leaders of the organization.

Feel free to reach out for help with this process.  I would be glad to help.


Kevin Sidebottom

Sales And Leadership Enterprises

The Second Buying Decision

Hey Everyone,

I apologize as travel has been quite heavy lately and I have slacked as an individual.  I really apologize and will work my best to have this blog updated weekly.

So, by now you have read the first of five buying decisions and are probably thinking this guy is out of his mind.  Have you tried it though?  Have your customers looked at you with a strange look on their face?  It does feel unnatural, but trust me it is the correct thing to help your customer, because at the end of the day if you are not helping your customer, then why are they talking to you?

Okay onto the next buying process of your customer " Buying Your Company".  You customer hopefully trusts you and is sold that you can make it to the next discussion which is why should I buy from your company.  What value would your company bring and how will that help me.  That is what is swirling around in their heads as they read your website, your literature, and listen to you spill tons of facts about your company.

So, this is where you have to be asking deeper questions about the customer and what issues are they facing.  Do they know what everyone else is doing in their area?  Who is their largest competitor?  What data does your company offer that will help them overcome their obstacles they are facing?  What does your company stand for?  Is it just to make a sale, or does your company do much more than that?  I am guessing if you look at all the things your company does, your company does not just make, distribute, sell products.  What services does your company do as well?   Does the company do specialized marketing that other companies in your arena are missing on?  Are there special buying programs that help your customer save more money lowering their cost?  Do you have IT that can help them integrate software? 

What value does your company bring to the table?  This is the time you need to study your competition and what they do really well and see how you stack up and if you can do something better.  Chances are, you and your company can do one or two things that are far better and may help your customer.  Still the warning is out there.  What is the largest value to your customer and how can you meet that better than anyone else.  The focus is on the customer and now you, your company, or your check book account.

Hope that helps!  

Next week we hit the fun part of the sell and something that you probably can spit off tons of features that support it.  Until next week, get out there help your customers and enjoy this warm weather at the end of October.  Winter is coming!



Sales And Leadership Enterprises  

Why People Buy

Sales people are still thought of today from the 1980 movie Used Cars featuring Kurt Russel.  If you have not watched that movie, try it for a good laugh.  You don't want to be thought of as one of these guys, trust me :)

Today there are so many avenues for sales / selling to customers.  There is new language every single day on how you can sell to anyone at any time. 

Please understand, if you are selling to customers, make sure you are putting their interests first.  First, they want to buy a product or service, not be sold.  When people are sold something that is when buyer's remorse sets in following the transaction.  When people buy they have a sense of accomplishment and belief that this product or service will help them.

In the sales process the buyer actually has five buying decisions to make starting with Do I trust the sales person.  So, you better ask yourself, why should they...

People buy for many reasons and as a sales person your job is to understand that reason and help the customer navigate that process.  Sometimes that does mean helping the customer buy from your competitors if your product is not right for them.  Blow your customer's mind next time you are talking with them and show them a product that might benefit them instead of selling your product.  Now I am not saying go to them always be selling other people's products, but if that product actually does help them more for their needs, help them.  Gain their trust.  It will pay off in the long run.  Don't be one of those telemarketers selling extended vehicle warranties.  They are annoying and at this point fun to mess with seeing I do not own the vehicle the keep calling about anymore lol  

I'm sure you are thinking that this guy is crazy with his statement and that I did say there are five buying decisions, but I don't want to keep you much longer for today.  I will post again the basics of the buying decisions so that we can get to work on understanding the customer in the next blog.  

Until then have a great day and think about how you can gain your customer's trust.


Kevin Sidebottom

Sales And Leadership Enterprises