Good morning everyone,
How are you doing this morning? Have you had an stressful situations this week? If you are like me you find yourself in stressful situations quite often. When we deal with people there are going to be times when we are in situations that become stressful.
How we handle the stress is up to us. At this point I need to confess that I don’t always handle stress well. I also lack patience at times. I can say that I have gotten better, but that does not mean that I am a super hero. I get stressed out from situations and people quite often. It used to wear me down and put me in a tail spin. I used to cope with running, stress eating, and shopping.
I have spent that last five years learning ways to mitigate stress. It has also meant that I had to revisit the situations much like the end of the sales process where we analyze. What and where I get triggered needs to be reviewed about how I felt and what was said. The triggering gets my heart rate up and my fight or flight kicks in where my voice gets louder. Unfortunately, that is not acceptable and unconstructive.
It does take more for me to get triggered these days, but I still do get triggered and stressed out at times. Typically, I use fitness to mitigate my stress levels and a lot of prayer to understand the situation. Every now and then I will go for bad food like ice cream and pizza.
I have also read that taking walks, doing remedial things like folding laundry, and mowing the lawn are also ways to destress. They seem weird, but still function as outlets to work through your thoughts.
With that said, lets here your thoughts about how you mitigate stress. What do you do when you are having bad days, or are stressed out? Maybe what you use will help some of us.
Thank you for your support and looking forward to hearing your ideas.
Kevin Sidebottom
Sales and Leadership Enterprises