Last week we finished the fifth and final buying decision for the customer and the work it takes after this buying decision for the sales person to really knock it out of the park.  If you haven’t had a chance to read that article check it out here (add link)

This week I want to share some ideas with you as to the extra steps you might try so that your customers are successful for the next 90 days after the sale!  Their success is crucial for your future success.

Videos – with the advent of YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, etc there is a vast array of opportunities to help your customers with video interactions.  Videos for top 10 uses for your product / service, self-diagnosis of typical issues that can arise, starter guide on your product / service as a reminder if the customer does not use what you have already taught.  Customer testimonials is also another great idea.

Support Groups – Facebook has a fantastic platform for loyal customers to access with questions and success stories.  I am on FB groups for a number of programs I have purchased such as the SpeakerLab, John Maxwell Team, Financial Peace University, etc.  These groups are great for asking questions and cheering others on.  These groups create a Fanocracy that is so impactful, that customers become loyal sales people for your vision.  Releasing control of your product / service and allowing the customers to show you how to improve it is also a benefit to doing these groups. 

Email – I know we all get too many emails throughout the day with advertisements.  Why not flip the script and send out shortcuts and life hacks while using your product / service instead of just trying to sell them?  What about using the Facebook group’s ideas to share with your email list of what others are saying about your product.  Why not highlight those customers that are achieving the best results and share with your prospective customers?  What about meets ups coming up in the customer’s nearby location?  Why not use email for more than just trying to sell the customer with another flash sale.

I hope these ideas have helped you with your quest to sales success and what you can do to increase your influence with customers.

I also wanted to give you an inside look at what I have been working on this past summer and what I hope will be ready very soon.  I have been filming my sales process uncovered training so that you may be able to use it whenever you want to.  No more traveling to events, staying in uncomfortable hotel beds, in different time zones.  This training will you faster than just the blogs I write weekly for you.  The training will help you become that 1% of successful sales professionals.

As always, I will keep posting blogs for you to add ideas on how to sell more efficient and how you can achieve higher levels of success.

Have a great weekend!


Kevin Sidebottom

“Businesses wonder why the majority of their sales teams struggle at winning profitable business.  I teach your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate more sales with high margins!”
