Today’s blog post is written by Curtis Fisher from

I hope you enjoy it!

The best leaders are always learning. As Harvard Business Review explains, engaging in lifelong learning is loaded with benefits, personally and professionally. Career-wise, those who continue to learn and grow can ensure ongoing financial success as work becomes more technologically-oriented. On a more personal level, pursuits like reading are wonderful stress-busters, and problem-solving can be extremely fulfilling. Some types of learning, such as playing a musical instrument, can even help to counteract cognitive decline. And living in a manner that is open and curious can be a boon to your social and networking efforts.


Some of the greatest successes of our time — Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Barack Obama — made lifelong learning part of their formula for success. It should also be part of yours. Here are some great resources to get you started!

Enroll in Online Programs

You don’t have to quit your day job to further your education. Look for remote learning opportunities through online courses and programs.

●        Sign up for a leadership program from Kevin Sidebottom to learn how to be a conscious and purposeful leader.

●        Earn your business degree from an online university that offers flexible courses.

●        Take a course through your local small business administration (SBA).


Listen to Podcasts and Audiobooks

Podcasts and audiobooks, like the ones listed below, are great for learning while you’re commuting to work or doing the dishes.

●        The TalentGrow Show podcast.

●        The Leadership Biz Cafe podcast with Tanveer Naseer.

●        Biographies and autobiographies about the most successful business leaders of our time.

●        Leadership books recommended by the world’s top entrepreneurs.

Read Online Articles and Guides

You can learn almost anything online. These are some great articles that every leader should read at least once:

●        How to avoid micromanaging your employees.

●        A distilled list of the top leadership traits of great leaders.

●        Understanding the difference between being a boss and being a leader.

●        Articles that have inspired other successful leaders.


Become a Teacher

One of the best ways to learn is to teach someone else! Consider mentoring someone, launching a blog, or creating your very own course.

●        Become a mentor to a first-time entrepreneur.

●        Create a blog or a website where you can share your knowledge.

●        Produce informative and engaging YouTube videos.

No matter how long you've been working in your leadership role, you can always benefit by learning something new. Even the most successful leaders can find room for improvement! Keep learning by seeking out articles, podcasts, books, courses, and coaching programs that will help you reach your full potential.

Are you looking for leadership coaching? Kevin Sidebottom can help you acquire the skills you need to thrive as a leader!

By Curtis Fisher

photo by pexels
