Naval Captains, and old explorers used these interesting yet simple tools called compasses to help navigate how to get where they wanted to go.  Yes, they used other tools, but this one tool helped them stay on track for their headings.   Even in storms they used these compasses to stay the course.

Today we use directions and a voice in our navigations tools to tell us turn by turn which way to go.  The early days had us sometimes driving on unpaved roads and some stories of people driving right into water because they believed the navigation units solely. 

In our everyday lives we need to use a tool that helps us stay on track.  There are many names for the tool like mission statement, vision statement, goals, etc.  I like to call it my compass.  I have a compass that I have created to help me use what I know about myself and how I am wired to make planning for the year have the best chance of success with my goals.

Yes, it is something from church, but it’s a took the DISC assessment, a gifts assessment, and our passions to help us make a purpose statement.  We need to live on purpose otherwise will just be drifting along with no direction.  Those that are intentional and lean into their compass do move forward with great speed and intentionality. 

By having a compass (purpose statement) we can eliminate detours that take away the most precious commodity we have available…TIME.  Yes, time is something that we are not able to add, multiple, but only subtract and sometimes divide.  We lose a lot of time and energy if we are doing tasks that don’t align with what fuels us forward.

Ever get to the end of day 30 and you are still worn out, tired, and with an empty tank?  Sure, we did something, but did that something actually get us closer to where we want to go?  Did it give us more tools to help us move faster in the future?

I have been in seasons where I was serving on countless non-profit activities, serving the community as a volunteer fire fighter, playing in adult flag football leagues, etc.  These all seemed fun, but did they help me get to my end goal?  I still support in some ways and have an active community, but I have chosen to put my energy in learning how to communicate better and help others through this blog, my Youtube channel, and my trainings to help businesses and leaders succeed. 

I have been intentional over the past decade to make sure my family will be taken care of, preparing for my later years, and how to help impact others for the better.  I have said no to good things in order to say yes to great things.  It has and is still a charted course I am on, but I know the path I need to take to get there.  Without my compass this would not be possible.

Having a compass to guide our path to the future selves we want to have, we need to be intentional and know what it is that we want to achieve.  It can be monetary, but it can also be relationally.  We should have a compass and a clear vision of where we want to go, before we just start moving because we only have a short period of time to get there before the sands of time run out for each one of us.

What does your compass look like?

Have a great week!

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