How do organizations make the decision on what is the correct leadership program they need?  How do they implement fast and impactful curriculums with all the options in the marketplace?

A great deal of organizations look for implementation of new educational training for those they want to groom in their succession plans.  No off the shelf program seems to be the perfect fit for these organizations.  Yes ,it’s easy to implement something off the shelf, but why do something that is generic compared to what we want our organization to focus on?

I have been asked this question a few times in recently and the first thing I ask is what does your organization think is most important, besides profits…. Sometimes I get a pretty decent answer, but most times I get a blank stare which quickly refers to the mission or vision statements.

Core values, mission statements, and vision statements, are all good starting points.  The culture that the organization has is the main light for what the organization stands for.  What is the culture of our organization is what leaders need to look at.  What is the culture of  the organization is the heartbeat.    

We also need to know what goals the organization has for the next 1,3,10 years.  Where are we and where are we going is another core to what the leadership needs to focus the messaging of their leadership training on. 

The leadership needs to also look at the team members they want to groom to see where they need improvement on. 

We need to think of leadership like a toolbox.  We need to have tools for everyday use which off the shelf programs offer, but we also need specialty tools for those more complex jobs.  A screwdriver will not work on a plumbing fix, and a wrench will likely not work on an electrical issue. 

The same thought for our leadership programs is where we need to look in and see what our future leaders are going to need to take the organization farther than what we can.  If we want to grow the organization what we know and what our future leaders know is crucial. 

We need to look at ourselves and then grow ourselves.  Bringing in multiple consultants to help with the specific tools that are needed will help the organization gain traction faster.  Specialists are paid more in the medical field because they are higher trained in the specific area.  The same can be said for leadership consultants. 

This will take some time so don’t think that implementation will happen overnight.  The leadership team will need to meet a few times to make this decision.  It’s an important decision as we want the organization to grow and flourish in the future.  Take time and plan accordingly with the leadership team before starting the search for the right program. 

If we do this correctly, then we can look forward to long life for our organization even when we are relaxing in retirement rooting from the sidelines.

Have a great week!

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