Quiet Quitting is this new phrase for those employees that are trying to do the bare minimum to not get fired from their work and still collect their pay check.  This can be claimed because people want to have a better work/life balance, quality of life improvement, or just pure mailing it in.

Quiet Firing on the other hand is where management does not want to have the tough discussions with employees about their lack of achievement.  They keep cancelling meetings, not opening time up for one-on-one meetings, not responding to emails.    The manager just makes themselves unavailable to the employees.

So why is this not new.   It’s the same thing we have been talking about with those engagement surveys.  That is right disengagement is the same thing as quiet quitting and quiet firing.  Employees that are disengaged from their work will not be efficient and will not move the organization forward.  Goals will be missed, profits will go down, costs will go up, and the mood from the team also suffers.

What we need to be focused on is not allowing quiet quitting and quiet firing to happen.  We need to be intentional with our employees and managers.  We have to take it upon ourselves to focus our efforts to stay engaged, or we need to find something else. 

There is no quality of life improvement from being disengaged in an area of our lives.   There is no improvement in relationships when we are not engaged.  It is like a pool of water with no movement.  Scum starts forming, and starts to smell bad. 

We need to get our pride put aside and focus on doing our best even if those around us are not putting forth their best.  People will take notice from us going the extra mile and challenge the status quo.  They will start seeing the movement and want to also put forth the extra effort as well. 

We need to make sure that our culture is one of growth and improvement.  One that people will not give up and quit anything.  We need to address issues if there are issues and find ways to give it one more shot.  We need to put forth that effort so we can leave it all out on the field instead of have regrets. 

It is on leadership to set the tone, but here is the thing.  John Maxwell wrote a book called 360 degree leader.  That means that leadership is not just from a title.  Leadership belongs to the individual not the title.  We have to put forth the effort and be the example.  It will become contagious after we build the momentum to go the extra mile.

We can influence the rest of the organization by the way we show up and how we are engaged.  We can either show up and put our best foot forward and be a shining light, or we can be disengaged and pull the organization down. 

It is up to us to be engaged or not engaged.  No new words, no new language, just get engaged and be the change.


Have a great week!

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