It’s not what you’ve said, but how you’ve said it.”  How about, “All you needed to do was communicate and we could have avoided this issue in the first place?”

No one is perfect with their communication, but we have to be good at communication when we are in a sales position or in a leadership position.  Communication is a key ingredient in a successful business.  It is actually the most important quality as a leader as well.

We may be the most brilliant leader, but if we can not communicate with those we lead, then we are not going to be able to go anywhere with anyone. 

Leaders need to focus on building up their communication skills if they want to go far.  There are many different ways we can grow our communication. 

The first way we can become a better communicator is to check our posture.  That is right, the majority of communication is nonverbal.  That means what we say and how we say it are affected by our facial expressions and posture.  If we are walking around like EOR (from whiney the pooh) and are trying to present good news, how does that land? 

When we communicate to communicate a point, we can use stories.  That’s right, stories are what we humans gravitate to when we are learn lessons.  Stories allow the listeners to become a part of the story and learn the lesson that is being communicated with us.  We love stories to learn lessons.  We love to hear a good story and when we add the point to it, we grasp it better.

 Another way we can become better communicators is to not use $100 words.  That’s right too many people like to seem more intelligent by using large words that others may not understand in order to seem smarter.  This is actually counterintuitive.  The best leaders are able to take complex topics and communicate them in a way that a middle school child could understand them.  Being able to break complex topics down into easy to understand language is essential.

There are many ways to improve our communication.  We can record ourselves when we are practicing our speech, we can go to toastmasters to learn how to tell stories better, and we can go to acting / improv classes to learn how to present better.  Using a little humor is like giving a little sugar to let the medicine go down smoother. 

We need to become great communicators if we are going to lead organizations into the future.  Without it we will lose engagement, influence, and profits.

For this year I would highly recommend making it a goal to get better at communicating if you want to excel in your career.  It will pay off greatly when you reach the next level in your career and your future self will thank you.

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