If so and so would have done this, or that then I would have we would have won.  I could have done this if it weren’t for somone else… 

I had a conversation with my son while teaching him to drive a car right after I screamed stop.  We were in the left turn lane and he had an obstructed view.  I could see that a car was coming and if we had turned in front of the car I would likely not be here typing today. 

The car was traveling over 50 mph.  His response was that he could not see around the car in the opposite turn lane.  I informed him that if he had turned in front of that vehicle that vehicle would have likely would not have had time to react resulting in that person being injured and the result of the crash meaning that my son would not have a father. 

We pulled over and had the discussion and a few tears were shed about the incident.  It shook me and caused me to not trust his ability to drive for some time.  I was more on edge when riding in the vehicle with him.  Scrutinizing every mistake and pointing them out.  This lowered the trust level with him and delayed his ability to obtain a license.

Now this was an extreme situation compared to most of our lives.

We all have done this from time to time.  We learned this as children.  When we did not do something that we were supposed to do, we made an excuse for why we were not able to do it.  Sometimes the reasons that seemed logical in our minds made our parents laugh at our response that really did not make much sense. 

We make excuses for underperforming at our jobs, fitness goals, financial goals, etc.  We are constantly making up excuses for our underperformance.  Unfortunately, when we do this, we actually give away our power. 

That’s right when we make excuses, we actually give power over to something or someone else.  We actually give our power to achieve away when we do this.  That means that we can not actually look at ourselves in the mirror and say that we are in control of our lives. 

We also affect our relationships with others when we give excuses for poor performance.  We tell others that they can not trust us to perform and that we will need to be watched more closely when given a task.  This puts more work and effort on their plates slowing them down on what they need to do.

Trust is the currency that relationships and businesses function on.  Without trust we will affect the organization’s profitability.  When trust is high, speed goes up and costs go down in the organization.  When trust is low, speed is slow resulting in more effort and higher expenses for similar tasks. 

This also affects stress on the organization’s most important resource.  The people that work for the organization are it’s most important resource.  Without high levels of trust then we will falter and lose money. 

We need to stop making excuses for poor performance if we want to increase trust and profitability. Today make the agreement with yourself to stop making excuses for poor performance and own your setbacks. 

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