Why do we need mentors?  Why are they called mentors?  How do you become a mentor?

Why is it that we think we can just do life on our own and that we have all the answers?  Why do we time and time again struggle with the same issues and not reach out for help?

I spent the majority of my life doing things on my own and finding the correct answer to my situation with tons of research and exploration.  Hours and hours were spent to solve the issue I was facing.  By doing this I ended up wasting a great deal of time and effort with little progress.

That is when I finally relented and started asking for help.  That is when mentors stepped in to help me avoid many pitfalls, increase my speed and efficiency, and grow my success faster.  I have had mentors in business, finance, faith, and in relationships. All key to my success today.

Mentors are people that have experience in the area that we are trying to walk through and have the scars from the battles we will face.  They have experienced a majority of the similar trials that we will see on our journey.  They have likely fallen into some of the traps that we will encounter.

Mentors are people with a servant heart that want to help the next generation succeed.  These individuals do not do it for the notoriety either.  They are just wanting to help others succeed. 

Mentors have helped me greatly when I sat with them to share my situation, issues, and ramifications.  They will usually share a story about how they were in that similar situation and what they did as well as the results.  Some happy ending stories, some not so happy ending stories. 

When I was going through my dad’s final year of life, I met with a mentor regularly to talk about what I was going through and the stresses involved.  This mentor was able to help me with coping, the grieving curve, and understand all that I was going to be losing as this chapter closed in my life.  This was a tough time and I am glad I had a mentor in my life to help me see through it while managing every day stressors..

I have also been mentoring a young man who is at the stage of his life where he is trying to figure out his career path.  He is an intern at a very well-known local organization and trying to figure out what doors to walk through.  The discussions we have had and stories I have shared have helped him rethink his possibilities. 

He has a bright future and I look forward to seeing where he goes professionally as well as relationally.  The hope is that he avoids some of the pitfalls that I have experienced in my life with the stories and insight that I have shared. 

Mentors are great resources to help us with questions we have about what we are going through.  They are people that want to help poor in and serve us with their knowledge.  Finding a mentor for a particular area of life that we need help is going to benefit us more than we can ever imagine.  Seek out a mentor today if you are struggling with a decision, or offer to be a mentor.  You will feel a sense of purpose when you lend a hand, or a story to help someone else avoid the pitfalls of life.

One of my favorite quotes: “Do or do not. There is no try…” - Yoda

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https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lWIVasmkFsoYL4h0AqIZgH6LC3qaw_gI/view?usp=sharingclient profile sheet

https://www.amazon.com/Sales-Process-Uncovered-Success-Influence/dp/0578421518 - Book

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