Today with remote workers, the workforce changing over in record numbers, and engagement extremely low, we need to learn how to build networks in our own companies.  Different parts of the organization are located all over the world.  We need to know and build relationships with other parts of our organization while we are not able to do that face to face. 

How do we as managers of new individuals, new employees, new teammates grow relationships with others inside of the organization.  It’s complicated, and will take time, but it can be done if we are intentional about it.

This is the time that we have to put on the sales hat and think about how we grow influence and trust with others.  That is right, we need to think like sales professionals.  No not an evil sales person that does not care about customers and just cares about golf and selling products.  The good sales professional is the one that cares about understanding those they interact with.  They want to serve those they interact with so that they can move forward.

These sales professionals actually focus on the relationship and how they will be able to help their customers win and be the Hero of their own story.  That is the type of hat I am saying we need to wear.

The first part in building relationships is to learn and understand the individual that we are coming in contact with.  We want them to understand that they are heard and known.  We do not want to treat them as a commodity, but as an individual.  Someone that matters.

That’s what we all want right?  We want to know that we are known, heard, and that we matter.

We need to focus on others in the same way.  We have needs, but we really need to work for them an serve them if we want to obtain our better way forward.  We need to take the focus off ourselves and focus on learning about them. 

See the others we work with have situations, issues, and ramifications that if not fixed will result in poor performance, disengagement, apathy, and likely them leaving for another job.  If we can create a culture of helping each other and learning about each other.

When others know that we are not just trying to use them then we will build trust and out of that we get relationships.  That is right we build trust and relationships when we build influence with others.  Businesses move on trust and we need this if we are going to build relationships. 

Today in business we need to make sure that we are going out of our way to build relationships if we are going to move forward in business. If we do this, that we will have a better quality of life as well as success in business.

Focus on putting on that sales hat and building relationships and so we can succeed with others. 

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” profile sheet - Book

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