Ever experienced this scenario when you joined an organization?  You have taken the step to a new organization hoping this position will be better than the last and you will have a successful career here until retirement.  Unfortunately, you are dropped into a job like a cog in a machine while you struggle to gain traction, reminiscing of your old job on how easy it was to get things done, old coworkers that helped you, or a boss that does not seem so bad anymore.

Like most new employees, they feel like they are let down when they start a new job.  Today we will buckle up, because we've got a 90-day game plan to not just welcome new hires but to catapult them into success.

Engagement isn't just a buzzword; it's the rocket fuel that propels new employees to success. From day one, immerse them in the company culture. Encourage participation in team-building activities, meetings, and social events. The more they feel connected to the heartbeat of the organization, the faster they'll hit the ground running.

Imagine a new employee as a high-tech gadget waiting to be plugged in – your job is to be the power source. Foster connections between new hires and existing team members. Assign a "buddy" who can show them the ropes, answer questions, and be a friendly face in the crowd. Connections breed collaboration, and collaboration breeds success.

Mentorship isn't just for the seasoned pros; it's a game-changer for newbies too. Assigning a mentor who can provide guidance, share insights, and be a sounding board for questions is a crucial asset for the new higher. Mentorship accelerates the learning curve, turning rookies into seasoned pros in record time.

Invest in training and development opportunities tailored to new employees. Whether it's industry-specific skills or internal processes, a continuous learning environment not only sharpens their skills but also demonstrates your commitment to their growth.

The first 90 days of a new employee's journey are critical, and with the right approach, you can transform them into a hero of their story. Engage them in the company culture, connect them with the team, provide mentorship, invest in training, and celebrate victories along the way. With this 90-day game plan, you're not just onboarding new hires; you're launching them toward success.

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with the best customers and top employees.    How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  How can we land and keep top talent in our organization with the salary wars.  Kevin teaches your sales and leadership teams how to build the key ingredient to be successful with their relationships and take your goals to the next level with high levels of engagement.

Kevin’s website: www.kevinsidebottom.com

Kevin’s email: kevin@kevinsidebottom.com

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