How many of you fear picking up the phone and calling a prospect that you have never talked to before?

How many of you visualize the person on the other end of the phone screaming to stop calling?

A cold call will take most people out of their comfort zone.  It’s scary, we don’t want people hating us while we call at dinner time.  They also will likely not believe us when we say our name is Tom, John, Sam when we have an accent from another country (with more interesting names).  Many organizations these days have gone to the robo call which is really annoying

I especially like when they start the message with “Don’t hang up…”  They are literally telling me to hang up on them subconsciously by saying that opening line.  A better opening would be “ Keep listening for some great information…”  That would create more tension in me to want to hear more.

Cold calling is almost an art form.  To get the person on the line and talk to us takes practice.  I still to this day do cold calls to associations and businesses to drive more business.  Prospecting is key in growing our business.  Cold calling is not just dialing a phone either.  We can walk into a business that we have reviewed and think would benefit from our expertise.  Just watch for those no trespassing signs. 

Cold calling is not natural for me as I am more of an introvert by nature.  Pushing myself out of my comfort zone is a must if I want to grow my business.   I have gotten voicemails and had to leave a message, people asking me to call them back later, people using a firm tone that they are not interested, and sometimes, sometimes I get great conversations with them and an appointment to visit to discuss more.

That is what the cold call really is.  The opportunity for the further conversation.  We are likely not going to make a sale on this call.  Our focus should be to get that opportunity to come in and sit with the person to learn about them and their organization.  How we can help them get to a better place.  Our product possibly will enable them to take that next step in their growth.  That is a good reason to talk to prospects?  We need the opportunity to start the conversation.

Insurance sales professionals have lists of people they cold call every day.  They have studied statics over the years and have a metric that out of ten calls three should result in “Fact Finding Opportunities” and then should result in one quotation of their product.  That is a 10% success rate for sales.  Very few professions have studied the results.  I have met quite a few wealthy insurance sales professionals and they all have told me that they do this by making cold calls.  If we are going to be successful selling, we need to do cold calls and prospect. 

Keep in mind though that the person on the other line has three questions that they are asking themselves when we start talking.

1.     Do I like this person?

2.     Do I trust this person?

3.     How can this person help me?

If you’ve read my book, “That Sales Process Uncovered”, been to a training, or been a reader of my blog for a while you should be able to answer these questions for them.  Social media such as linked In, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc have made it even easier to research our prospects prior to the cold call.  We just need to do the research.

For now, don’t fear the cold call.  Accept it as an opportunity to help potential customers get to a better place.  Who knows, you may strike up a great conversation and learn something new about someone that will help you at a later date.  This is your opportunity to start helping people.  Now pick up the phone and see how.

Have a great weekend! 


Kevin Sidebottom

“Businesses wonder why the majority of their sales teams struggle at winning profitable business.  I teach your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate more sales with high margins!”
