It’s that time of year again.  Time to celebrate those wins that we had for this past year, time to celebrate the new year coming in just a few short hours.  What will the new year hold for us?  What can we do this new year that we have been unsuccessful in the past years?

If we want to achieve a better tomorrow and a better new year, then we need to start with planning for it.  Goals are just dreams if we do not have a plan of action. 

That is what we are going to talk about on this post.  How can we achieve a better tomorrow by starting our plan today.  If you have been on the goal planning trail for years great, what can we do differently to improve our success rates?  If we are new to goal planning, what can we do to start off with better traction?

One thing that I have done in the past few years is making and refining my Purpose Statement.  Now I have spent a great deal of time and effort to learn about myself and how I am wired.  W

hat I have found is that I am gifted in influencing others to move from here to there by motivating and providing a vision of success with my tenacity to keep moving forward when times get tough.  I am best at this when I am speaking to groups of individuals, teams, and organizations helping them create their process for success and staying disciplined. 

When I am speaking to groups, I actually gain energy.  I know that seems weird for an introvert, but watching people see the light bulb of an idea on how to improve makes me light up as well.  I get encouraged when I know that I am helping someone get to a better way. 

By having my purpose statement, I am better able to direct my goals so that I can have that compass that will align my vision with my steps.  This way I can keep moving in the right direction with my goals.  Not just that I have a goal to lose 10 lbs by a certain time, but that I do so in order to engage with more energy to help others understand how to succeed.

That gives my goals more traction when they are aligned on purpose.  A set of goals with a common focus gives them strength and keeps the fire burning even with times get tough and we want to give up.  I am able to get back off my back when knocked down one more time and keep moving forward so that I can keep helping others. 

I encourage you to do some research on yourself to understand how you are wired when making your goals for the next year so that when you are past the first few weeks of the new year and stress sets in you too are able to move forward.

There many ways to learn more about yourself.  There are assessments like The Predictive Index, Gallop Strength Finders, DISC assessment, Spiritual Gifts Assesssments and Growth Track (churches have been putting these on), and many more.  Pick one and see what you can learn about yourself so that way you can start to have better goals that really fuel your WHY.

For now here is to another year of growth and prosperity!  

Happy New Year Everyone!

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