This weekend is a reminder of my father who recently passed away in April.   This would be his birthday week as well.  As I reflect on this I am reminded about a few things about him.

He was a father, fire fighter, electrician, beer truck driver, and the list goes on and on.  It was hard to keep up with him most days even when he was retired.  He was a worker which resonates with our last name.  See back in old country as I am told our name comes from where you were on the mountain.  Being we were not Topbottom means we were workers.  We were not royalty, we did the hard work and thrived in it.

He worked three jobs at once when I was a child and was both my father and mother for quite a bit of my life.  He made it to all but one of my highschool competitions, in which he consistently beat himself up about missing. I reminded him that it was okay, but he kept to the tasks.  He was always working to finish the next task.

He was a remarkable man, but one thing he didn’t do much was take a break to go have fun that often.  He was all about finishing the tasks and moving on to the next task.  This is a trait that I have adopted for most of my life, but with the help of my caring wife, we have grown my ability to take time and slow down. She was very influential on buying a boat and taking trips which is good for me to slow down.  Who doesn’t want a wife that would encourage us to buy a boat?

We need to work hard and get things done, but it is good to take time to relax and go to a lake for a weekend, take a trip to the ice cream shop, and spend quality time with the kids.  We need this to refuel our tanks.  We can’t keep running on empty all the time or we will get burned out.

We need to have these breaks especially with the stress levels we have been under from the pandemic.  We are meant to get out and have community.  We also need to have fun and enjoy our lives.  

Too many people keep putting off fun until later.  Telling themselves that when they retire, they will finally relax and take time to enjoy life.  The issue is a good deal of these retirees end up sick, or die soon after they retire.  Maybe it’s because they are bored to death, or something else, but I believe we should be working even after we retire from our day jobs.  

We are meant to work and to have community.  So why not focus on taking time to rest and enjoy quality time with friends and family going on small adventures periodically instead of waiting until retirement?  All work and no play drains us mentally and physically.  

Stop putting off tomorrow for tomorrow may never come.  This does not mean that we need to just have fun and live under YOLO (You Only Live Once).  We need to enjoy ourselves and fill those tanks that will get emptied during those not so fun times.  Especially when those times that drain us seem to last for longer periods than the great times.  Take the small wins and savor them so they can fuel you during the next grind.

What is something you have been putting off for tomorrow to refuel yourself? 


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