It has been said that learners are growers.  Those that are constantly evolving in their learning are those that are successful.  Those that have excelled in areas typically don’t stumble into those successes.

I have been reading and learning trying to add new tools constantly by reading at least 12 books a year.  One a month.  I do this by reading ten pages a day.  Small steps over time to accomplish a larger task.  I also invest in myself for trainings as well.  I then take time to apply what I am learning.

Just because we are learning new items, does not mean that we have it automatically engrained.  We actually lose about 50% of what we learn in the next 24 hours.  If we don’t apply the newly gained knowledge then we will forget it and that is actually just a waste of time.  

We need to apply what we learned so that our mind and body start to really save this information for future use.  Whether it is a book, training, trick, etc we need to apply what we are learning if we want to record it for future application. 

It’s like learning to waterski.  It took me about three years to learn how to waterski and gallons of water up my nose.  I thought I was going through an interrogation at some points.  I kept trying to learn how to get up on two pieces of wood and a rope that was tied to a boat.  

After I learned how to waterski on two ski’s I learned how to ski on one.  Balance was not something I had a lot of when I was younger so this took some time.  There were a great deal of highlight reel wipeouts.  I’m sure if digital cameras and social media were around back then, I would have been one of those celebrities of fails.

I finally got good enough now that I can start from deep water on one slalom ski and cut across the wake at speeds of 50 mph without wiping out.  I also don’t have to attempt every day to do this.  I actually only do this once or twice a year now, but because I learned and applied, I am able to show up now and do it without too many attempts.  I can enjoy all of the work that went into learning and go out and have fun.  

By applying what we learn we are able to achieve higher levels.  We need to keep learning and keep growing if we want to get to a better place.  We have to keep up with this process to accomplish more.  It’s okay to want more and to work towards it.

To do this, we need to apply a date to when we want to accomplish by.  Having that target out there will keep us focused on moving forward because it is real.

What is something that you have been putting off learning, or applying that you have been nervous to?  It’s okay to try and and have set backs.  If we don’t try that is actually failure.  As long as we try we are not failing.

Post in the comments something that you have been wanting to learn / apply that you are going to do now.    



Have a great week!

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