This is. The time of year in the US that people are out enjoying the warm weather celebrating independence.  BBQ’s are fired up cooking all sorts of meats, beverages are flowing, and people are getting tank top tanlines from not applying sunscreen.  It’s a great time of year!

We all enjoy the celebrations that we get to attend.  In sales it’s when we win that $100 million contract for our organization, the new platform launch that has finally rolled off the manufacturing line, or any other large event that we get to celebrate all of the hard work.

Everyone likes the celebration, but often complains about the work to get there.  Work is often thought of as an obstacle to get to the celebration.  We want the easy life, we hope for a restful relaxing retirement, but don’t want to spend the years of working to get there.

I sometimes get caught in this rut of complaining that I have yet another task to complete before the business award.  I understand it.  I’d love to just have everything handed to me sometimes when my pride is high.  I’d like the easy road in those moments.

What I have learned though is that we actually find a great deal more satisfaction in the achievement when we work towards it.  If we have hours of blood, sweat, and tears in the gym we are a great deal more grateful for the process when we look in the mirror of our accomplishments.  

When we are just handed things, we typically do not hold them as close as when we have some skin in the game.  

I started to realize this when I viewed how my son takes care of the things that he purchases than what is given to him as gifts for Christmas or birthdays.  When he has to work to earn the money and save, he takes a huge pride in his possession.  I mean making sure they are in tip top shape.

He works hard and enjoys the things he worked for a great deal more.  

The same is true for when I work on these large multi-million dollar deals.  They take a great amount of time and effort to capture, and when the day to celebrate arrives, I am able to really sit back and enjoy the accomplishments.  I find more satisfaction when I work for things than when they are just given to me.  It gives me a real sense of accomplishment.

I know that is different than what we may think, but really take stock and look at the things that you find more valuable to you.  Are they the simple gifts you have received, or the things that came from the accomplishment of hard work that you poured in?  

We are wired to work and we should celebrate those wins when they come.  We need to not just hope for easy life, but to enjoy those accomplishments.  The United States when through a great deal of struggle to become free so we could enjoy our freedom.    

Have a great week!

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