In the dynamic world of Business-to-Business (B2B) sales, success is often rooted in a combination of strategic approaches. In this blog post, we'll explore simple key areas —as powerful tools to increase your B2B sales.

Successful execution begins with a deep understanding of your customers’ needs. Prioritizing active communication to clearly document the expectations of the relationship as well as how the organization will support the customers for a successful relationship.  This not only has to be communicated to the customer, but to the rest of the selling organization’s teams.

While the sales team may be able to gain the needs and document the relationship between the organizations, it is up to the operations teams to execute the plan successful and consistently.  We need to have consistency how we show up with our customers so that they can build trust that we have their best interests at heart so when times get tough, they don’t jump ship to another option leaving us with excess obsolete materials driving up our costs.  Far too often customer service teams fail to maintain a good level of communication as well as execution with the customer’s teams.

When the customer service team consistently underperforms things escalate quickly.  Trust also is decreased as more and more resources from both organizations are required to meet to understand why there are issues in execution.  This is the time when if done poorly things heat up and trust is crushed.  This is why in the beginning of the relationship sales people need to have a sense of conservativism when it comes to commitments.  One rule I like to use is Under commit and over produce.

Under committing and over-producing is a powerful philosophy that sets us apart in the competitive B2B landscape. It involves promising less than we deliver and then exceeding those expectations. Customer service is a vital component of over-delivering. Be responsive, proactive, and going the extra mile to address client concerns swiftly will result in a positive experience with our customer.  When this is executed correctly the customer can not help but stay engaged and offer up other opportunities to the sales team.

By mastering the art of execution, maintaining unwavering consistency, and adhering to the principle of under committing and over-producing, our B2B sales strategy can reach new heights. These three pillars not only attract clients but also cultivate long-lasting relationships, positioning our businesses as a trusted partner in the ever-evolving B2B landscape. Remember, success in B2B sales is not just about selling a product; it's about delivering an exceptional experience.

Have a great week!

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with the best customers and top employees.    How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  How can we land and keep top talent in our organization with the salary wars.  Kevin teaches your sales and leadership teams how to build the key ingredient to be successful with their relationships and take your goals to the next level with high levels of engagement.

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