Sales = Influence = Leadership


Sales = Influence = Leadership

When I decided to become a professional salesperson, it was based on the sales pitch that if you want to be a better manager, more successful in any career, you need to know sales.  I was an engineer at the time and wanted to climb the corporate ladder.   I dreamed of leading groups of people and helping the team shatter goals while working together.  It was not until I received my certification from John Maxwell to be a speaker, trainer, and coach that I understood that Leadership and Sales go hand in hand.

Throughout the certification training John Maxwell stated, “Leadership is Influence, nothing more, nothing less.”  John states this over an over when he talks on leadership.   One gauge that John uses to see if we are good leaders is to see how many people that volunteer look to us for leadership.  When we are moving forward for a cause how many people are willing to follow us when we are not paying them. 

People being paid by us are doing so because they are receiving payment for their services so just because they follow us, does not mean that they believe in us.  If we are not paying these people and they are following us, then we know that they are following because of our leadership.  This is done by our influence.  The more influence we have, the more people will fight by our side for the cause.

What I learned through sales is that the more influence we have with our customers, the more they look to us for help and want to do business with us.  The more we help them get what they want to go, the more we provide top notch service, and the value that we bring causes us to gain influence.  They reach out to us for advice and help.  It does not have to be the product that we sell either.  I have had customers reaching out to me for advice in marketing, software packages, cars, digital cameras, etc.  I was gaining influence with them and they were reaching out to me for help in other areas.

That is when I started really looking at this sales and leadership thing to see if there were common threads.  The truth is that sales and leadership are based on influence.  Great leaders are those that can sell a vision to their organization so much so that the people will “Charge the pits of Hell with a water pistol” – Dave Ramsey.  The most influential people use sales practices to drive forward and get their teams engaged. 

Steps in the sales process to get the customer engage translate right into the leaders process to gain influence with those around them.  They both find the needs of the organization and people, verify those needs, and present the solution in a way to drive engagement to move forward together.  The great thing is that it really is not that complicated.  It’s following a process over and over again gaining influence.  That is why I love working with leaders and sales professionals to help them move forward and grow.  They are so similar that this one process I help with will enable sales professionals and leaders to gain their influence. 

If you are someone looking to grow your influence reach out to me today and I would be happy to review where you are at, where you want to go, and how you can get there.  It’s not complicated, and you can do it. 

Reach out here if you would like to start the discussion.

Have a great weekend!

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” profile sheet - Book

The Sales Process Uncovered Membership Page


Why Leaders Know Sales


Why Leaders Know Sales

When I first started in sales it was on the premise that if I wanted to be a great manager, business owner, lawyer, president, I needed to know sales.  That is what a successful business owner told me after I had told him that I wanted to be a manager.  He was a great leader and still has people working for him that were with him since he opened his company in the mid 1980’s.  I was not sure why I needed to know sales to be a good manager to be honest, but I knew I would figure it out. 

At first, I was hesitant to change careers.  Six months of hesitation and discussions to be exact.  I did not want to be a salesperson because all life had taught me was that they were evil.  All I had ever been told was bad and experiences were also proof to that same point. 

When I did decide to try this sales thing out, I quickly learned that there was a key ingredient to being a successful sales professional.  Once I figured out that ingredient, customers started opening up to me and sales increased.  I was awarded the prize of top salesman for the United States and had taken the territory to where it had never been before.

I literally had customers asking me about what software would work best for their business and other things that had nothing to do with what I sold.  They trusted me and were asking for my insight on various things that they were struggling with in their businesses. That key ingredient is Influence. In sales the more influence you have the more you sell.  The same is said for leaders.

 As influence increases, people trust us more and are willing to go deeper in relationships with us.  This can be in business ventures, nonprofits, community support, etc.  The more influence someone has the more they excel in whatever they are doing with others.

What I found is that the sales process that I keynote and perform trainings on helps people build amazing amounts of influence fast!  That is right, selling correctly helps us build high levels of influence! 

Keep in mind that selling is not just a product or service.  It can be selling a vision, idea, or that we are going to lead those that report to us.  Building influence using the sales process, leaders gain more engagement from those around them.  Utilizing the sales process to sell our vision and our mission will grant us more influence and greater buy in from those around us.

As you look around your organization look at those relationships of those that go out of their way to help you and those that don’t.  See how much influence you have with these relationships.  Ask yourself, “Why do I have more influence with this person as opposed to another?  What is different with each of these individuals?”  What you’ll learn is that the level of our influence determines how much we can say and do with each individual.

The more influence you have the farther our organizations can go.

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” profile sheet - Book

The Sales Process Uncovered Membership Page


What Does Winning Look Like?


What Does Winning Look Like?

How does an employee understand each day they arrive at work if they are winning or losing?

How are these employees able to track each day where they are towards their goals?

Below are a few examples of annual goals that organizations published for individual sales professionals.

Achieve sales revenue of $44.0 million collectively as an organization

Achieve net new business of $50 million for 2023 for business unit

Manage travel and expense to AOP

Too many large organizations cast out annual goals for employees that are very difficult to understand.  Some goals are collective goals that is very difficult for an individual to know if he/she is winning.  Others are downright confusing.  Where does the individual review what the score is collectively?  How would you know where to look to see how you are doing in the above examples?

Instead of this vague approach to goal setting why not keep it simple?   

Organizations like that of Ramsey Solutions in Franklin, TN use  Key Results Area or KRA’s for short show what “winning” looks like to the individual and their position.  These KRA’s are reviewed with the employee and the manager to make sure that the employee truly understands what winning looks like.  The individual employee can take this KRA sheet and review it each day, week, or month to know where they are standing in achieving a high-performance level.

These KRA’s really make it easy for both the employee and the manager to point to any specific areas where the employee is killing it and where attention might be needed to help the employee obtain success.  When employees obtain vague goals, it is hard for them to understand if they are actually winning.  This is an ingredient in a disengaged work environment.  Or for those on the latest vocabulary, “Quiet Quitting” 

People want to know if they are winning or losing at work so they can excel.  No one shows up to work and actively wants to do a bad job.  They want to feel like they matter and that they are doing something to make impact.  Take that away and hope goes along with it slowly killing the spirit and making people do the grind Monday through Friday in hopes that they have a fun weekend.

Our top performers want to know quite often how well they are doing.  Sales professionals especially want to know if they are winning or losing.  It’s healthy to want to know how we are doing so we can improve.  Why not give them something that they can use to gauge against and know often how they are doing.

Dave Ramsey is mostly known for Financial Peace University for helping people get their finances straight, but for business owners they have created Entreleadership which started as a book and now has its own podcast as well as coaching and summits.  They do a fantastic job at creating an environment for their teams and customers to thrive in any environment.  If you are looking for something to learn more about leadership in business or finances, these two are the top places I recommend people going. 

Disclaimer:  I make no money from referring my readers to Dave Ramsey items.  This is just knowledge that I am passing along that has helped me.

The examples on Dave Ramsey’s site allow you to see examples of these KRA’s when you head into goal setting with your teams.  I hope it helps your teams really make greater strides and achieve better results.

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” profile sheet - Book


The Question Our Employees Are Asking


The Question Our Employees Are Asking

Last week we talked about coaching others, this week we will have the discussion that those around us are asking.

Has anyone ever asked you the following question…Do you have my back?

Chances are if you have direct reports, they are asking this question about you.  They were trying to figure this out the moment they start working for you.

Your direct reports want to know that when the chips are down that you will have their back as long as they are doing what is right and ethical.  Far too often in big business employees feel they have to CYA because they do not trust their manager.  CYA stands for Cover Your Assets.  The A is sometimes shortened. 

I have experienced in the issue of having to CYA myself in communications due to a lack of support from managers.  It agitated me greatly because I believed I was left to fight for myself.  It is a lonely position to be in as a report.  Here’s the thing, relationships do not thrive in this kind of environment.

Employees want to know that their managers have their back when the chips are down and that they can reach out to their managers when they need help.  Far too many managers are so busy themselves they forget to establish ground rules for trust and communication at the beginning of the relationship.  There needs to be a set of ground rules of engagement set up from the beginning.  Leaving it up to assumption is a recipe for a bad relationship.   There are a few managers out there unfortunately that don’t really care about relationships with their reports and should look to either move on from their position or retire. 

When trust and communication are not flowing it becomes like a body of water with no movement.  It becomes toxic and everything in it dies.   When trust and communication are absent fear also starts setting in.  When Fear takes hold, trust and relationships do not flourish, they unfortunately die.

If reports don’t trust their manager, then where does the employee bounce ideas off of to move forward in the correct direction?  Where do they expect to get mentorship?  Where do these reports learn the correct way of operating for the organization?

Far too often employees have enough of this lack of trust and communication and elect to leave the department, or worse the organization.  The intrinsic knowledge that the employee has is also following them right out the door.  This then puts the team and management back to start the process over to onboard another employee.  If the cycle keeps occurring the manager will be found out and their management will have to discuss options.  

The cost of onboarding on average about $4000 per employee.   Not to mention the training them on the software and teams that they will need to engage with often.  It is also a good to note that it takes about three to six months for the employee to get comfortable in their new role.  This means they are slower at the start in their position which also costs money to the organization.  Why not work to make sure our reports know that we have their back, how to communicate with us, and build trust.

The answer is setting up guard rails with our direct reports from the beginning to make sure they understand how the trust and communication can work together.  Setting these guard rails up will keep everything moving better and work life to improve.  Employees need to know that they can trust their leaders.  Having that trust and communication will allow the employees to excel and thrive in our organizations.

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” profile sheet - Book


How Is Your Coaching?


How Is Your Coaching?

To carry on the discussion from last week about leadership and engagement, lets continue by talking about how as a leader we need the correct coaching with our teams.  Spoiler alert” it’s not by yelling.”

How are you at coaching your team and your family? 

Are you like a college football coach constantly sending in directions?

Business leaders think being a coach means constantly sending in orders like a coach on the sideline of a football game.  They believe they should tell the team what to do and how to do everything and then the team will just execute.  The issue is that these people just become “yes people” and do not learn to not think for themselves.  Instead, these individuals constantly come to the coach for the answers for everything and anything essentially slowing the organization down.

This style of coaching does not promote effective thought in individuals and does not allow them to break through ceilings.  What I learned in 2016 from John Maxwell about coaching is that coaching is not about telling people what to do.  Coaching is instead asking questions for the individual to produce their best answer for the given situation.  It’s encouraging them to look within for their best answer.  Not telling people what to do, but allowing them to look deep inside to derive their answer.

Most of the time in business we are trying to answer questions and get to solutions fast.  We are looked upon by our peers, or reports to provide the course that is needed so much that we get used to coming up with the answer all of the time. When we arrive home at the end of the day, we are still dictating what needs to happen, how it needs to happen, and when it needs to happen to our families if we are not careful.  Will that help our families thrive?

We are getting things accomplished, but we need to grow others around us so that they can make decisions so if we were to be “hit by a bus” they could still move forward.  If we are not coaching these individuals correctly, we are actually hurting them.  We are not allowing them to grow their confidence in decision making, and growth from within.

As coaches, we can not be the sole source of answers.  We need to help cultivate within those around us to find those answers if we want to move forward fast together. 

Coaching is also the act of giving more and more trust to those around us as they exhibit those traits we are working to grow in them.  We do not give a underaged child keys to a brand new Ferrari and say you’ll figure it out.  We need to guide them and train them before they are free to make those decisions.  We need to continually ask those thought provoking questions to help them come up with better and better decisions.  Even if those decisions do not align with what we believe is best at the time, we still need to trust the process to help them grow. 

Ultimately, we will expire and it is on us to grow those around us. 

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” profile sheet - Book


Why Quiet Quitting and Quiet Firing Are Not New


Why Quiet Quitting and Quiet Firing Are Not New

Quiet Quitting is this new phrase for those employees that are trying to do the bare minimum to not get fired from their work and still collect their pay check.  This can be claimed because people want to have a better work/life balance, quality of life improvement, or just pure mailing it in.

Quiet Firing on the other hand is where management does not want to have the tough discussions with employees about their lack of achievement.  They keep cancelling meetings, not opening time up for one-on-one meetings, not responding to emails.    The manager just makes themselves unavailable to the employees.

So why is this not new.   It’s the same thing we have been talking about with those engagement surveys.  That is right disengagement is the same thing as quiet quitting and quiet firing.  Employees that are disengaged from their work will not be efficient and will not move the organization forward.  Goals will be missed, profits will go down, costs will go up, and the mood from the team also suffers.

What we need to be focused on is not allowing quiet quitting and quiet firing to happen.  We need to be intentional with our employees and managers.  We have to take it upon ourselves to focus our efforts to stay engaged, or we need to find something else. 

There is no quality of life improvement from being disengaged in an area of our lives.   There is no improvement in relationships when we are not engaged.  It is like a pool of water with no movement.  Scum starts forming, and starts to smell bad. 

We need to get our pride put aside and focus on doing our best even if those around us are not putting forth their best.  People will take notice from us going the extra mile and challenge the status quo.  They will start seeing the movement and want to also put forth the extra effort as well. 

We need to make sure that our culture is one of growth and improvement.  One that people will not give up and quit anything.  We need to address issues if there are issues and find ways to give it one more shot.  We need to put forth that effort so we can leave it all out on the field instead of have regrets. 

It is on leadership to set the tone, but here is the thing.  John Maxwell wrote a book called 360 degree leader.  That means that leadership is not just from a title.  Leadership belongs to the individual not the title.  We have to put forth the effort and be the example.  It will become contagious after we build the momentum to go the extra mile.

We can influence the rest of the organization by the way we show up and how we are engaged.  We can either show up and put our best foot forward and be a shining light, or we can be disengaged and pull the organization down. 

It is up to us to be engaged or not engaged.  No new words, no new language, just get engaged and be the change.


Have a great week!

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” profile sheet - Book


The Time Is Now To Dig Deep


The Time Is Now To Dig Deep

Welcome to 2023!!

The new year and we are all waking up on the first weekend since the New Years rang in.  We have had one week of back to the grind.  One week of running around getting back into the grove of things.  A week of driving through “winter weather”

This is the time that we get challenged by life against the goals that we recently planned for the new year.  The question is are we going to be able to make it through the remaining 51 weeks of this year.  When the going gets tough and we are hit in the face with adversity.  Where do we look for strength to grind through this?

We need to look at that Purpose Statement like we talked in the last week of December.  That is what has to keep us focused to keep taking one more step.  We need that courage to push farther by looking at that statement of success for our lives.  We need to take a breath and then get back to work for that vision of success with that statement.

How do the goals line up with that purpose statement?  Are they strong enough to handle the punches we take from the daily grind.  Do they have the timing set up so we can gauge success with them?  Do we use the SMART goals?

Are the goals specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound?  Our goals need to have these five measurables answered.  This way we can see how we are doing as we move throughout the year.  Without them being specific and being too broad we will not be able to understand if we are going the right way.  If they are not measurable and achievable then we will not be able to know where we stand.  For instance, if I say I want to make $20,000 per keynote as a goal I will likely not achieve that.

That goal does not have anything other than a value.  A better goal would be I would like to make $20,000 in the month of February by booking X number of keynotes.  Now that is a smart goal.  That is a goal that I can look at to see where I stand and any time.  That is a goal that is going to keep me on track. 

If I want to construct a new training for my membership page, I can set goals for having the program broken down by a certain time, number of videos recorded and edited by a certain date.  Now I have a direction and a SMART goal set up so I can look at the calendar and then look at my goals to kit that key objective.

What is it that you struggle with goal setting?What keeps you from achieving your goals?What is holding you back from being a success?Reach out or leave a comment below and I would be glad to help you with goal planning.

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” profile sheet - Book


Why Goals Need A Purpose Statement


Why Goals Need A Purpose Statement

It’s that time of year again.  Time to celebrate those wins that we had for this past year, time to celebrate the new year coming in just a few short hours.  What will the new year hold for us?  What can we do this new year that we have been unsuccessful in the past years?

If we want to achieve a better tomorrow and a better new year, then we need to start with planning for it.  Goals are just dreams if we do not have a plan of action. 

That is what we are going to talk about on this post.  How can we achieve a better tomorrow by starting our plan today.  If you have been on the goal planning trail for years great, what can we do differently to improve our success rates?  If we are new to goal planning, what can we do to start off with better traction?

One thing that I have done in the past few years is making and refining my Purpose Statement.  Now I have spent a great deal of time and effort to learn about myself and how I am wired.  W

hat I have found is that I am gifted in influencing others to move from here to there by motivating and providing a vision of success with my tenacity to keep moving forward when times get tough.  I am best at this when I am speaking to groups of individuals, teams, and organizations helping them create their process for success and staying disciplined. 

When I am speaking to groups, I actually gain energy.  I know that seems weird for an introvert, but watching people see the light bulb of an idea on how to improve makes me light up as well.  I get encouraged when I know that I am helping someone get to a better way. 

By having my purpose statement, I am better able to direct my goals so that I can have that compass that will align my vision with my steps.  This way I can keep moving in the right direction with my goals.  Not just that I have a goal to lose 10 lbs by a certain time, but that I do so in order to engage with more energy to help others understand how to succeed.

That gives my goals more traction when they are aligned on purpose.  A set of goals with a common focus gives them strength and keeps the fire burning even with times get tough and we want to give up.  I am able to get back off my back when knocked down one more time and keep moving forward so that I can keep helping others. 

I encourage you to do some research on yourself to understand how you are wired when making your goals for the next year so that when you are past the first few weeks of the new year and stress sets in you too are able to move forward.

There many ways to learn more about yourself.  There are assessments like The Predictive Index, Gallop Strength Finders, DISC assessment, Spiritual Gifts Assesssments and Growth Track (churches have been putting these on), and many more.  Pick one and see what you can learn about yourself so that way you can start to have better goals that really fuel your WHY.

For now here is to another year of growth and prosperity!  

Happy New Year Everyone!

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” profile sheet - Book - Sales Process Uncovered Online Training - Trustworthy Online Training


Are you Building Trust During This Season?


Are you Building Trust During This Season?

Christmas is here!  This is the time of year where we are giving presents away to others and enjoying quality time with family and friends.  Ever stop to think why we find more joy at this time of year than any other?

In the book Well Being from Gallop who do studies on people for just about everything, they write about how spending and focusing on others actually makes our mood better.  That’s why we need to really think about our intentions when we are interacting with others. 

If we are in a bad mood, are we just trying to bring others down, or are we trying to help them?  Are we trying to build better relationships, or just help ourselves get to a better place?  What is the motivator here?  Are we being selfish, or are we being giving?

Ever wonder why some people just don’t trust us?  No matter what we do, it just seems like they will not accept us as being honest and worthy of trust?

There are so many areas that can derail trust, but today I want to focus on one huge variable in building trust that most people have a blind spot to. 

The main variable in trust that derails most people is Selfishness.  That’s right, the level of selfishness that is in us determines how much others will trust us.  If our actions in working with people is only to accomplish what we want to achieve and not caring about others then we will not get gain trust.  Selfishness is the largest factor of trust.

We all have difficult people in our lives.  We are all selfish to a degree.   Just look at a toddler and how they play with others with the same toys.  They don’t share.  They want all the toys.   We have our wants and dreams and we want to achieve them and that is okay.  The issue is when we want others to help us achieve those wants and dreams and not care about helping them as well.  We forget that others need help as well when we are in that selfish frame of mind.

Zig Ziglar has a quote that states, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”  Simply said, stop thinking about ourselves first and start looking to others on how we can help.  Whether that is communicating effectively, lending a hand, or just listening to someone else we need to be focused on helping others.  It’s just like farming.  Planting one seed doesn’t net a huge crop, but planting millions of seeds, the harvest is plentiful.

That’s right if we truly want to others to trust us enough to help us, then we have to change our focus from one of receiving, to one of giving.  We also need to do this for the right reasons. 

We can be the most competent, consistent, vulnerable, people out there, but if we are only out for our own gain, well it will be an uphill battle to build trust.  We must check out selfishness.

This Christmas when we are engaging others and attending Christmas parties stop and think about why we are engaging others.  Look at our moods when we are exchanging gifts.  Are we happier when we give or when we receive?  Chances are when we watch other’s eyes light up with joy when they open that thoughtful gift we searched for we have that extra kick of energy and a larger smile.

Who is someone that you could build more trust with by changing the view from what can I get to how can I give this Christmas?  It will help you build trust in the long term.

Merry Christmas!

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” profile sheet - Book - Sales Process Uncovered Online Training - Trustworthy Online Training


Why This Questions Is Crucial With Others


Why This Questions Is Crucial With Others

Isn’t this a question we all ask?  How can you help me? 

All of us by nature are born with the innate desire to find out how we can be helped by associating with others. Call it selfishness, survival, whatever you want to call it.  We are born with this desire to find out how we will benefit by the interaction with another. 

Our customers want to know how they will get to a better place by doing business with us as well.  Just like us, they want to know how their lives will improve.  It’s up to us to answer that question each and every time we interact with them.  If we chose not to, then we will find ourselves receiving price down requests instead of how can we help them innovate.  No one wants to continually fight cost down requests.  We want to have people coming to us for help and providing solid solutions for them.

The question we should be asking ourselves is what do we have in our capabilities to make the customer’s life better?  How by doing business with us will we help them.  This is a crucial change in our focus.  Instead of focusing on how we can benefit, we need to shift that focus onto how we can help the customer.  What is it that we, and our organization can do to help the customer get to a better place. 

Do we have a software package that will allow for the customer to spend less time counting inventory with real time updates?  Do we have interactive videos that will help the customer walk through and diagnose malfunctions with their equipment?  How about an app that tells the customer when their robot they are using is not functioning as efficient and needs a service call before it breaks?  

One thing that I have strived to do is add value in each interaction.  It doesn’t have to be monetary all the time.  It can be helping the customer with software that we are fluent in that they may be having issues with, ideas and local hot spots for a vacation location that the customer wants to travel to that we have also visited, life hacks, deals, helping them find toilet paper when the country is freaking out during a pandemic, connecting them with someone we know that can help them, etc.

The key is to take the focus off of wondering how we can capitalize from the exchange and how we can add value to the customer.  I love the quote from Zig Zigler that says, “You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough people get what they want.”  Read that one more time and marinate on that for a few minutes…

It doesn’t mean we just give away all of our profit if we are selling something, but it does say constantly add value with those we come in contact with and focus on how we can help them.  Not for how we will benefit, but how that person will get to a better place.  It is harder to accept something with a closed fist, but with an open hand more can be added.

I know we are all in stressful times right now with what is going on in the world, but we will get through this and we will become stronger because of it.  Innovation is happening each day and we will be ready for the next challenge.  If we open up our hands today and help those around us especially in this time of need, we will get to a better place ourselves.   

Have a great week!

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” profile sheet - Book - Sales Process Uncovered Online Training - Trustworthy Online Training


The Question To Ask For Trust With Others


The Question To Ask For Trust With Others

Today we get into the second question that customers are asking themselves when speaking to sales people.  Do I trust you? 

That is a huge question that if answered No, can stop you from selling anything to that customer.  If they do not trust you then you are stuck and you can’t get past the first of five buying decisions. 

I have spent the majority of my sales career studying why people buy.  Being that I was an engineer there had to be an equation and magic was not going to be the answer.  What I found is that when people use humor, are upfront, and show empathy towards others.  That is when people really start to open up and trust.

I’ve had a manager that had issues gaining trust.  This manager would openly tell anyone he first met within the first few minutes about his Christianity, but his actions would contradict what he would say he stands for.  He was explosive to be around and would demand you follow his view points on business.  If you challenged his view points, watch out!

This kind of behavior erodes trust the same as lying to others.  Trust is crucial for any kind of growth between sales organizations and their customers. 

So how can we grow trust fast?

1.     Social Proof

2.     Heart of a teacher

3.     Open and honest communication

4.     Encourage customers to show you opportunities for improvement

Social proof is using a mutual connection between the customer and yourself.  So many people like Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, music artists, etc would see huge followings after being on the Oprah show.  Once they leveraged that connection, they were considered the go to expert.  Now we can’t all get on the Oprah channel, but we can leverage anyone that we know who knows us well that could reach out on our behalf. 

Having a heart of a teacher is offering help to the customer get them to a better place even if it does not benefit you. Teaching the customer to give them free knowledge for the heart of helping them is something that is lacking in today’s culture.  People tend to only want to help if they will receive something in return.  What I can tell you is that if you want to gain trust, you have to have a heart of a teacher to help the customer.

Open and honest communication means reaching out when you see something bad coming, but also making sure that the customer is not unsure about anything related to your products.  Making sure that they are communicated to in a personal level is key.  Pick up the phone when you can instead of just sending an email.  This is something that I still struggle with sometimes when I am busy, but what I have learned is making sure I talk to the customer is key.  Keep in mind the written word it taken negative most times when someone reads it.  Most of communication is nonverbal, posture, tone of voice, etc.  An email does not help with communication.

The last key thing to do is encouraging the customers to show you opportunities for improvement.  Allowing the customer to feel like they are a part of the product design in the future makes them feel like they are a part of something more than just themselves.  We all strive to feel like we are included in decisions, so encouraging them will allow for this to open up.

There you have it. Four ways to grow trust fast.  Just put on your SHOE to walk with the customer… You need to have your shoes on if you plan to walk the talk.

Have a great week!

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” profile sheet - Book - Sales Process Uncovered Online Training - Trustworthy Online Training


The First Question to Ask


The First Question to Ask

Good morning everyone.  Last week we discussed the three questions that customers ask when the meet with us on every interaction.  If you missed it go back and read it as it will help you with this week’s post. it only takes three minutes to read.

The first question that we ask ourselves subconsciously when we interact with another person is “Do I like you?”  Our brains are trying to figure out if this person standing in front of us is a threat or a potential ally.  Should we stay, or run like…

Physically our bodies will change posture depending on how this question is answered.  Our posture will literally change as much as leaning in to leaning back depending on engagement and trust.  This is why sales professionals have been taught to always mirror your customer’s posture.

Did you know that depending on if you are male or female you tend to want to stand in different postures when interacting?  Women prefer to stand at 90 degree angles to men when they are interacting in the personal space.  They naturally want to keep a guard up to not feel vulnerable.  Men typically like to stand face to face total body facing their counterpart.

Are you starting to see how this might be a problem getting someone to like you if you do something small like use the incorrect stance?

Here is something else that will impact the way someone answers that question.  The color you wear on your clothing can also impact how you are judged.  That’s right the color we wear actually has an impact on how others perceive us.  We could start the discussion off on the wrong foot just by color.  In Robert Cialdini’s book “Influence” he breaks down the colors and what they mean.  It is a must read if you are working to sales! To make it easier for you, I tend to wear light blue and white shirts when I meet someone for the first time because those colors are associated with “Trust.”  They are also calming colors.  I want the customer calm and feeling like I am a trustworthy advocate for them.

I make sure to wear the right color tones for the meeting that I am about to have.  The reason is I need the customer to feel at ease while meeting with me.  They will be more relaxed and willing to hear me while we are discussing a topic.  I also pay close attention to their posture as what I have learned is that 93%  of communication is actually non-verbal.

Here are some other factors that can affect the first impression:

Scents you wear, voice tonality, pace of speech, jewelry, etc. 

The old saying you only get one chance to make a first impression still is true today.  Making sure we are paying attention to the person standing in front of us will help us greatly generate trust.

Have a great week!

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” profile sheet - Book - Sales Process Uncovered Online Training - Trustworthy Online Training


Three Questions To Help Us With Others


Three Questions To Help Us With Others

Do I like you?

Do I trust you?

How can you Help me?

These three questions are asked in our subconscious every time we interact with someone.  Our bodies are hardwired to want to know if we like, trust, and can be helped by the other person.  These questions have been embedded into our survival since the beginning of mankind.   We also are programmed to know if we are safe in an environment, or if we need to run (fight or flight response).  Think about that when you are in the grocery line and someone coughs…

In business, if we are not answering these questions for our customers then we are not helping our customers.  It’s about answering these questions that gets us into meetings to discuss larger topics that the customer needs answers to.  They need us to help them get to a better place.  If they didn’t need us then we would not be in the conversation. 

The great thing that we have going for us if they are interacting with us, then they are actively searching for solutions. Even if they don’t currently know it yet!  That is right sometimes the customer does not know what they need before they meet with us.  We need to study them and their needs so that we can support them with the best option available to them.

Have you ever been talking to someone about a topic and a great idea pops into your head?  Most of the time though we forget about these ideas 15 minutes after we have thought about them.  The same thing happens with our customers when we are talking with them.  When they do this, we need to take notes and keep asking deeper questions.  At the end of our time, we need to summarize the major topics and see which ones the customer really wants to dive deeper into for the next conversation?

Now for an exercise.  I want you to sit back and think of an interaction with a recent customer that did not buy from you and ask the three questions from the customer’s point of view: Do I like you?, Do I trust you?, and how can you help me? During that interaction, where could you have done something more that would have likely resulted in an opportunity? What might you have missed answering for the customer out of the three questions?  Chances are we get comfortable with customers and our sales process and we forget the most crucial buying decision “us” that the customer has to decide on.

In the coming weeks we will dive deeper into each of the three questions, but for this week I want you to ask those three questions at each interaction.  You don’t have to be selling them something either.  It could be a family member, neighbor, coworker, mail carrier, etc.  Focus on answering each of those three questions to the best of your ability, even if you are talking to them while in quarantine via phone call, or web meetings.

Have a great week!

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” profile sheet - Book - Sales Process Uncovered Online Training - Trustworthy Online Training


Why We Need Relationships In Business


Why We Need Relationships In Business

Good morning everyone,

I remember a story of a successful business owner that had sold his company and stayed on to support the transition.  This owner had a pretty large company that was sold to an organization with a Chief Operating Officer that hated salespeople.  This COO also believed anything done by salespeople could automatically be done through a business transaction from an internal call center.

This same CFO also discussed that business school professors from some of the elite universities even teach that relationship building outside of the professional transaction are not a good idea.  People that are scholars in theory, but unfortunately not life application.

Golf outings were not allowed, customers meals were frowned upon, and basically anything that was not transactional was outlawed.  I have also worked for companies that the focus was purely transactional and there was no focus on growing customer relationships, unless they had a purchase order attached.  Now I am not saying you have to validate a golf outing with this blog, but the fact that relationship building is important. 

If you are not meeting with customers regularly to learn about their needs, then how are you going to build influence?  Sales is influence and the more influence you have the more sales you make.  A lack of influence will quickly turn you and your product into a commodity!  The only differentiating factor for a commodity is price.  Then starts the race to the bottom where there is no margin and likely no quality.

Some of the most successful business owners that I have had the chance to sit with state that it is imperative to build the relationship with the customer.  I have also been able to visit some of my old customers that I have not called on in years. They will smile, ask me out to dinner, and sit with me for hours to discuss where they are at with their current business situations.  They even have asked for insight on what I might recommend still to this day!  It is a great feeling that I was able to influence individuals enough that they will take time to catch up as well as look for my advice.

These conversations would not have happened had I not worked on the personal side of the business as much as the transactional side.  Knowing your customers on a personal level and understanding their aspirations is a huge benefit.  People want to know that they matter to you.  Building that relationship is extremely important. 

It is almost an art form watching an old sales professional work the personal relationship and send birthday cards for the customer’s family, as well as celebrating wins that the customer has had.  Meetings on the golf course have transacted in large business deals that cannot be instantaneously measured.  Looking back on the sales process and building relationships will allow your business to grow with your customers.   The transactions do happen, but after work on the personal side.  People will not buy from you if they do not know, like, and trust you. 

I encourage you to leverage the personal side of business along with the professional side.  If learning about people was not important than why do Amazon, Facebook, and your smart phones listen in on your conversations as well as track your searches?  Statistics have shown that when there is a relationship in place between organizations a great deal of growth has happened as well.

Send a card for your customer’s birthdays, kids’ birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, etc.  It is a great feeling to celebrate with your customers and form lasting relationships. 

Remember the first buying decision a potential customer makes is the Salesperson.  Grow that relationship!

Have a great week!

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” profile sheet - Book - Sales Process Uncovered Online Training - Trustworthy Online Training


Why You Need The Three F's


Why You Need The Three F's

When I am on stage speaking, I bring the audience in to where I began in sales.  I was working for a 6-foot 5-inch ex-Navy Seal.  He was a successful driven business leader.  He was intense and was always moving forward.  He also flipped my thought process upside down.

Growing up in my blue-collar family it was always pressed to do my best and do it perfect.  I am also a “one” on the Enneagram so I naturally trying to make things better and as close to perfect as possible.  I was devastated when I got into college and my best would however only generate B’s and C’s.  Highschool was easy to obtain A’s, but college was a whole different ball game.

I was failing to get A’s and I was pissed off and angry throughout college.  I graduated with an electrical engineering degree and had a great job right out of college, but I always looked back that I was not perfect in college.  It left a feeling that I was not good enough back then.

In reality no one is totally perfect.  We all have flaws.  No one can do everything perfect the first time either.  What we do is Fail Forward Fast.  Fail Forward Fast is a phrase that navy seal operators use quite often in training.

Navy seals as I was taught by my mentor are okay with set-backs.  Fail Forward Fast works like this.  Apply action -> review -> apply action for a constant loop for improvement of whatever the situation is.  Failure is not about making a mistake; failure is giving up. 

It’s okay to have a set back and learn from it so that when you are attacking the same activity the next time you move through it more efficiently.  The cool part is that the action does not have to be a massive game changer.  It is small incremental adjustments as you go through the loop.  

Another benefit from this small action is that doubt is eliminated through action.  Figuring out the next small step will keep doubt from tackling us from behind and stopping us from moving forward in our process.  How awesome is that!  A small step of action puts doubt on its butt and allows us to move forward.

Do you remember riding a bike without training wheels for the first time?  Most of us as children would fall, get back on the bike and moved a little farther, fall again, get back on the bike and moved farther and farther each time until we were riding the bike without assistance from anyone.  It took a progression and learning how to balance while pedaling and occasionally stopping before running into something.  It is rare for someone to just jump on a bike for the first time and get it perfect. 

I love the Fail Forward Fast because when I am working on a project and the “Have to be perfect” phase pops in my head, and I am able to remind myself that it is okay.  Sometimes I also find out that the desired outcome that I had was not the one I needed to be shooting for.  I am able to pivot towards the better desired outcome instead of coming to the end of the experience and learning that I am nowhere near where I truly need to be.

Fail Forward Fast is essential in all growth and I have applied it to my life so that I can keep going when tough times happen.  Sometimes we just need to focus on one small step at a time to keep moving forward instead of looking at the long path that is ahead of us. 

I hope this blog is helpful to you.  If it is, please leave a comment below of how this or another blog post has helped you!

Have a great week!

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” profile sheet - Book - Sales Process Uncovered Online Training - Trustworthy Online Training


Please Don’t Use The Elevator Pitches!


Please Don’t Use The Elevator Pitches!

Have you ever been subject to an elevator pitch?  You know where the person says all these great things that they do and how you need to do business with them.  Some time ago elevator pitches came into existence because business people needed to be able to tell someone what they did in the time it took to reach your destination on the elevator.  Quick and be effective were the requirements of an elevator pitch. 

When I think about an elevator pitch, I see a picture of the old sales guy wearing a three-piece suit and playing with his pocket watch.  For those of you younger readers, a pocket watch is not your phone that is in your pocket. 

I remember when I first got into sales this was the language you needed to use when someone asked what you did.  People came up with all sorts of weird pitches.  After a few years came the unique selling proposition that you needed to craft so when you talked to customers you could use this to differentiate yourself from the competition.

Now there is a new approach that is called positioning statement.  I have used this approach when speaking to organizations for speaking and it goes like this:

“I work with organizations just like yours who want to increase sales and influence, so that they can improve profits and elevate their people.” 

This positioning statement is to position yourself as an authority and how you actually benefit people at a 10,000 ft view of what you do.  This positioning statement is to also pull the prospective customer into asking more questions to learn a little more.  This is a way to start the conversation to learn about the customer which is a better way to approach selling.  I mean how do you know what to sell someone if you don’t know what they need?

This Positioning statement flows well with my company which  “Sales and Leadership Enterprises.”  I emphasize the fact that I help people walk through the sales process and how salespeople can intentionally understand where they are at in the process.  Using the same process helps leaders gain influence with employees and customers. 

Today we no longer use the elevator pitch, and as we move into the positioning statement where we want to be in our customer’s minds.  We want them thinking about how they need more help and how we can help them through conversation.   We are not making quick closes, but we are having the conversation to help our customers move forward to a better place.

What is your positioning statement? 

Leave a comment below and tell me what your positioning statement is.  I like learning about my readers and how I can help them achieve more.  I will give a free signed copy of my book to the winner the best positioning statement!

Have a great week!

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” profile sheet - Book - Sales Process Uncovered Online Training - Trustworthy Online Training


How Much Is Your Time Worth?


How Much Is Your Time Worth?

When do I hire something out rather than doing it myself? 

Why would I pay someone else to do the work that I know I can do?

Have you ever asked these questions when you had a project that you needed to tackle?

Now that I am into my 40’s I am really having to weigh out how much work I should be doing and how much I should be hiring out.  My father taught me quite a bit to be handy around the house.  I can change out electrical outlets, switches, lights, ceiling fans, tiling, roofs, plumbing, do spreadsheets, sell, etc. 

I can do even more now with all the experiences I have had with homes including flipping one while I did all of the work. Most of the time I would have extra experience as I would have to do it twice do to trying to short cut something.  A good rule of thumb in my experience is that a well performed project should not reveal extra screws, bolts, or other retention components when are you finished. 

What I have sometimes wondered is if I am at a deficit because I am capable of using my own hands and time to do quite a bit.  I struggle with that I can do the project, but is it the most beneficial use of my time.  I want to do it to show myself that I can, but is this approach worth it?  This has been hard because small projects are very therapeutic for me.  I can work on something that is completed in a small amount of time compared to most of my projects that take months upon months to work on.  It’s nice to be able to step back and look at something that I have created with my own hands.  The issue is that I am doing this at a cost that I have never previously rationalized.

My mentor when I first got into sales taught me that wealthy people put a value on TIME.  When working on projects, thinking about investments, they calculate the cost of their time that will be invested in the project.  Time is something that we have a limited supply of.  When we are born time seems to be ticking away until we finally expire.  We cannot add hours in the day, multiply our time, we can only invest our time into those areas that we feel most important.

Lately I have had to start hiring out the work on my house so I can keep moving my business and projects forward.  I have had to put a value per hour that I would have to pay myself to perform the task.  If the quotes from contractors come in lower, or even close to my cost, I typically hire them to perform the work even if I am capable of doing it.   Most of the time they can actually do the work faster as well. 

I had to have two foundation walls on my house dug up, pushed back straight, reinforced, sealed, and then back filled. Now I am fully capable in doing this work, but it would have taken me months to complete.  I did not have the time to do this on top of everything I am working on.  It took the contractor three weeks to complete and I was able to work on other projects.  The cost for them to do all this work and in the time they did it was less than it would have taken me.  Sure, I would have been able to use digging equipment which would have been fun, but they did it for cheaper than I could with all of the time that would have been involved from me to do the project.

When preparing for that next project, career change, purchase of a home, or moving dirt think about the cost of your time as a function of the investment.   Think about the amount of work and hours that you will need to complete.  Then think about how much it would cost for you to do the work compared to hiring it out so you can be freed up to do other things that are more important. 

For those of you looking for a new job, this should definitely be part of your decision if you are going to change companies.  If the new company that you are interviewing is for instance 15 minutes each way longer of a drive, you need to calculate that into your salary expectations?  See 15 minutes each way is 30 minutes a day.  Multiplied by five working days a week is 2 ½ hours a week more driving when you could be doing something else.  Now assuming you have to only work 48 weeks a year that is 120 hours a hear you will be in the car more than in your current position.  Say you make $25/ hour, that is $3000 a year that you are losing to driving.  That is also not calculating the operating costs of your vehicle or fuel.

Next time you are figuring out a budget for a project you are about to take part in make sure you are also figuring in how much your time is worth.  It may reveal that training someone else may be able to do the smaller items so that you can focus on the higher value items.  If you are looking for a new career figure out the time investment and keep the focus on if it will get you closer to where you want to be in the time frame you are working with. 

Time is a precious commodity and we need to protect it’s value! 


Have a great week!

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” profile sheet - Book - Sales Process Uncovered Online Training - Trustworthy Online Training



How Do We Figure Out The Correct Leadership Program


How Do We Figure Out The Correct Leadership Program

How do organizations make the decision on what is the correct leadership program they need?  How do they implement fast and impactful curriculums with all the options in the marketplace?

A great deal of organizations look for implementation of new educational training for those they want to groom in their succession plans.  No off the shelf program seems to be the perfect fit for these organizations.  Yes ,it’s easy to implement something off the shelf, but why do something that is generic compared to what we want our organization to focus on?

I have been asked this question a few times in recently and the first thing I ask is what does your organization think is most important, besides profits…. Sometimes I get a pretty decent answer, but most times I get a blank stare which quickly refers to the mission or vision statements.

Core values, mission statements, and vision statements, are all good starting points.  The culture that the organization has is the main light for what the organization stands for.  What is the culture of our organization is what leaders need to look at.  What is the culture of  the organization is the heartbeat.    

We also need to know what goals the organization has for the next 1,3,10 years.  Where are we and where are we going is another core to what the leadership needs to focus the messaging of their leadership training on. 

The leadership needs to also look at the team members they want to groom to see where they need improvement on. 

We need to think of leadership like a toolbox.  We need to have tools for everyday use which off the shelf programs offer, but we also need specialty tools for those more complex jobs.  A screwdriver will not work on a plumbing fix, and a wrench will likely not work on an electrical issue. 

The same thought for our leadership programs is where we need to look in and see what our future leaders are going to need to take the organization farther than what we can.  If we want to grow the organization what we know and what our future leaders know is crucial. 

We need to look at ourselves and then grow ourselves.  Bringing in multiple consultants to help with the specific tools that are needed will help the organization gain traction faster.  Specialists are paid more in the medical field because they are higher trained in the specific area.  The same can be said for leadership consultants. 

This will take some time so don’t think that implementation will happen overnight.  The leadership team will need to meet a few times to make this decision.  It’s an important decision as we want the organization to grow and flourish in the future.  Take time and plan accordingly with the leadership team before starting the search for the right program. 

If we do this correctly, then we can look forward to long life for our organization even when we are relaxing in retirement rooting from the sidelines.

Have a great week!

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” profile sheet - Book - Sales Process Uncovered Online Training - Trustworthy Online Training


Light It Up!


Light It Up!

Have you ever thought you can’t make a difference?  The subject matter you are facing is just too big for you to make a dent?  Your light is not bright enough to cast out the darkness ahead?

I was at CMA fest with my wife and friends this past summer in Nashville, TN.  I’m not a huge country music person after say the early 2000’s.  I mainly listen to other types of music.  At the event I was not as knowledgeable of some songs as the rest of the group.  I also didn’t know all of the musicians.  

During one of the sets Luke Bryan was singing and asking people to pull out their phones and “light it up.”  One by one we saw phones lighting up the stadium so much that when they turned the stadium lights it was like nothing had changed. Yes, there were over 60,000 people in attendance to do this. 

These little cell phone lights work good for close up needs for an individual, but for one phone to try to cast out the darkness in a stadium it would be difficult.  To do it together though, the darkness was cast right out.  It was interesting to see thousands of lights making this place light up.

We need others to walk with us on our mission which means we need to reach out to them for help.  This world of social media and movies make it seem like we need to be a lone wolf.  If you know anything about wolves they only survive in their packs.  On their own they die off quickly.

Just like wolves and cell phone lights we need others to come along side us to move forward.  We need to be able to ask for help, use our leadership skills to gain engagement, and be vulnerable.  That’s right we need to be vulnerable and ask for help.  One of the key ingredients of influence is vulnerability.  Yes, just like cooking, if we miss an ingredient the meal does not tast good and is tossed out.  

It is scary, but we have to take the risk to let others see who we are and they will more than likely offer a hand to help. We need to be comfortable in the uncomfortable in order to move forward with others.  Yes it’s messy sometimes, and there are different points of view that we need to work through on different topics.  We need to push through the hard stuff to get to the place we want to go.

There is the quote that says, if we want to go fast go by ourselves, but if we want to go far, we need to go with others.  

Just like scaling mount Everest, we need to have a group of people to reach the summit.  Most of those that have tried to do it by themselves have failed, or paid the ultimate price.  

Work with others and be vulnerable to be able to move forward is key.  

If we do then we can light up the world!


Have a great week!

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” – client profile sheet - Book - Sales Process Uncovered Online Training - Trustworthy Online Training


Not Customer Service, But Customer Experience


Not Customer Service, But Customer Experience

Have you ever had to wait an extremely long time for your food at a restaurant when you were starving?  Asking the wait staff for an update on the food seemed to bother them from their already busy agenda.  Meanwhile we believe that death is at our door. 

Upon asking the wait staff for an update, they seem not to care sometimes.  Sometimes we might get a part of the order taken off our bill.  Maybe the manager has to get involved to resolve the issue.  Tips are dwindled and the likelihood of returning to the establishment decreases by the second.

I was in Franklin Tennessee which is about 30 minutes south of Nashville this past summer.  It’s a great city where a lot of country singers live and other wealthy individuals.  It is a great little downtown filled with restaurants and shops.  There is one establishment that people rave about so the group of us decided to stop in.

We weren’t starving, but we decided to venture in and check it out.  I won’t give the name away, but they have these things called BONUTS that are delicious.  We ordered a set to go as well as some sweet tea.  You can’t go south without having sweet tea! 

After we ordered the person taking the order advised us to wait at a table in the middle of the room.  After about 15 minutes the waitress came by with a plate with BONUTS on them and we were confused because we asked for “to go”.  She dropped these off and then said she would get us some to go.

Another 15 minutes went by and nothing.  Now we had already paid so we were getting ready to just stand up and leave.  Figuring we had gotten what we paid for so no really harm done just some time spent waiting. 

We had asked someone working there to see if the order was coming soon and they went to check.  When they came back, they gave us a refund, gave us the to go order, and then another order because we sat for so long.   They also refused repeatedly to take the money back.  I mean we got what we paid for, but they were insistent that we be refunded. 

The running total now is three orders of BONUTS and a full refund because they were sorry for the wait.  I mean that is over and above customer service.  Not just here is your order, but here is your money back as well and oh let’s give you another order.  That is exceptional service and that is what drives customer loyalty.

When we go back to the Nashville area again, where do you think we will be going.  When I hear friends and family are traveling there, what do you think I will tell them when I mention places to stop?

When we are serving customers, we need to think about the customer experience.  Not that others should perform the job that are supposed to, but if we come in contact with the customer and they express a need we need to serve them well also.  We need to make sure we do our best to give the customer a great experience. 

If we do serve the customer well and provide an exceptional experience then they will be like sales people for us.  Just like I am writing about my story to share with all of you.  Our customers will share with all of their friends and family about the exceptional experience. 

Keep that in mind when serving customers and how we approach them.  We need to give them an exceptional experience if we want to drive customer loyalty.  Not just a punch card, but experience is what generates customer loyalty.

Now the flip side to that is if we underserve and provide a poor customer experience, what do you think they will say about our organization. 

We reap what we sow.  Plant seeds of exceptional experience and we will reap a great harvest in the future.

Have a great week!

“Businesses wonder why it is still hard to be thought of as the brand of choice with customers.  How can our business make more profitable transactions and stay out of the commodity battle with low profits?  I equip your sales team to walk with the customer through the five buying decisions, and in the correct order to generate explosive revenues with greater profits!” profile sheet - Book - Sales Process Uncovered Online Training - Trustworthy Online Training
